Arm Release 1.4.2

Hi, the next release of arm is now available. This one was focused on a full rewrite of the connection panel, improving its maintainability, performance, and (best of all) features. When rendered, the panel's baseline cpu usage is less than half of its previous incarnation, along with providing far more information...
- Full paths for your currently active Tor circuits
- Identification of the applications attached to your socks, hidden service, and control ports
- Identifying exit connections and the common uses for ports they're attached to
- Much better accuracy in identifying client and directory connections
- Expanded path information when there's space available (thanks to Fabian Keil)
... and many, many more enhancements and fixes. For the full list see:
Also, thanks to pyllyukko arm is now on so there's simple install options available for:
Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Arch Linux, and Slackware
As always, screenshots and downloads are available from the project's homepage:
Cheers! -Damian
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
I have a problem connecting
I have a problem connecting tor..I study in a college which is behind a proxy..below is the log...
Apr 05 07:18:56.341 [Notice] Tor v0.2.1.20. This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Very recent version of Windows [major=6,minor=1] Service Pack 1 [workstation] {terminal services, single user})
Apr 05 07:18:56.341 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 1.4.12-stable using method win32. Good.
Apr 05 07:18:56.341 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
Apr 05 07:18:56.341 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Apr 05 07:18:56.341 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file.
Apr 05 07:19:00.737 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority moria1; launching request.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority tor26; launching request.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dizum; launching request.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority ides; launching request.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority gabelmoo; launching request.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dannenberg; launching request.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority urras; launching request.
Apr 05 07:20:01.134 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 07:20:01.353 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 07:25:06.705 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority moria1; launching request.
Apr 05 07:25:06.705 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority tor26; launching request.
Apr 05 07:25:06.705 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dizum; launching request.
Apr 05 07:25:06.705 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority ides; launching request.
Apr 05 07:25:06.705 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority gabelmoo; launching request.
Apr 05 07:25:06.705 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dannenberg; launching request.
Apr 05 07:25:06.705 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority urras; launching request.
Apr 05 07:25:06.720 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 07:25:07.032 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority moria1; launching request.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority tor26; launching request.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dizum; launching request.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority ides; launching request.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority gabelmoo; launching request.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dannenberg; launching request.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority urras; launching request.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 07:35:18.711 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority moria1; launching request.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority tor26; launching request.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dizum; launching request.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority ides; launching request.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority gabelmoo; launching request.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority dannenberg; launching request.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority urras; launching request.
Apr 05 08:05:49.275 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 08:05:49.585 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 08:19:03.746 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 08:19:03.746 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
Apr 05 08:20:04.776 [Warning] The https proxy sent back an unexpected status code 403 ("Forbidden"). Closing.
hi. tor proxy not work in
tor proxy not work in iran
please check
Still not in debian squeeze
Still not in debian squeeze , its a joke
never put the server on
never put the server on Indonesian soil. here's the reason why
below is the Indonesian new intellegence law:
Considering: a. that for the realization of national goals that the state
protect the people of Indonesia and the entire spill
Indonesian blood, promote the general welfare,
intellectual life of the nation, and joined
implement a world order based on
independence, eternal peace, and social justice
as mandated in the Preamble
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945,
important early detection is able to support efforts
counteract all forms of threats, harassment, barriers,
and the challenges that endanger the existence and integrity
Unitary Republic of Indonesia;
b. that in line with the changes, the development ment situation, and
strategic environmental condition need to do early detection
against various forms and nature of threats both from within
m aupun foreign country that is complex, and
have a very broad spectrum;
c. that in order to conduct early detection and prevention
pendadakan from various threats, the intelligence necessary
professional country, strengthening cooperation and coordination
state intelligence, as well as to support the rule of law,
democratic values and human rights;
d. that to provide legal certainty and in accordance
with the legal needs of the community, organizing
intelligence as first-line state of national security
need to be regulated in a more comprehensive;
e. that based on the considerations
the letters a, b, c, and d need to form
Law on State Intelligence;
In view of: Article 20, Article 21 and Article 28J of the Constitution
Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;
Article 1
In this Act referred to as:
1. Intelligence is knowledge, organizations, and activities associated with
formulation of national policies and strategies based on analysis of
information and facts gathered through intelligence methods work for
detection and early warning in the context of prevention, penangkalan,
and countering any threat to national security.
2. State Intelligence is the government agency that is an integral part
of the national security system which has the authority to
perform the functions and activities of Intelligence.
3. State Intelligence personnel are Indonesian citizens who had iliki
Intelligence special abilities and devote ourselves in the State Intelligence.
4. The threat is any effort, work, both from domestic activities
and outside the country which was considered to endanger the safety,
sovereignty, territorial integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, and
safety of the nation and national interests.
5. Each person is an individual person or legal entity.
6. Secret intelligence is information, objects, personnel, and / or effort,
jobs, Intelligence activities protected confidential so as not to
accessible, it is known, and owned by parties who are not eligible.
7. Inform ation Intelligence Retention Period means the period of storage savings information
8. Intelligence information is information, statements, ideas, and signs
that contains the value, meaning, and message, good data, facts and
explanation related to intelligence.
9. The opposite party is the party from within and outside the country who do
counter-intelligence activities that may harm the interests of stability
10. Target is the target or condition to be achieved from the function
11. Transnational crime is a crime that the perpetrators are not restricted from
in the country but work in the form of transnational networks
with the same crimes abroad.
Article 2
The principle of operation of Intelligence include:
a. professional;
b. confidentiality;
c. kompartementasi;
d. coordinative;
e. integrative;
f. neutral;
g. accountability; and
h. objectivity.
Article 3
The nature of the State Intelligence is the first line of security systems
Part One
Article 4
State Intelligence role do the effort, work, activities for the detection
early and develop early warning systems in the framework of prevention,
penangkalan, and prevention of every nature of threats
may arise and to disrupt national stability.
Part Two
Article 5
The purpose of the State Intelligence Service is to detect, identify, assess,
analyze, interpret, and present intelligence in order to provide
early warning to anticipate the various possible forms and nature
potential and real threats to the safety and existence of the nation
and state and the opportunities that exist for national prosperity.
Part Three
Article 6
(1) State Intelligence perform the functions of investigation, security, and
(2) The investigation referred to in paragraph (1) consists of a series
effort, occupation, and activities undertaken in a planned, directed,
to seek, find, collect, and process information
into intelligence information, as well as serving as an input to
policy formulation and decision making.
(3) Security referred to in paragraph (1) consists of a series
activities undertaken in a planned and directed to prevent
and / or against the effort, occupation, intelligence activities and / or Party
Opponents are detrimental to the interests and / or national stability.
(4) raising referred to in paragraph (1) consists of
a series of activities undertaken in a planned, directed, and
proceed in order to influence the target for beneficial interests
and / or national stability.
Part Four
Article 7
The scope of the National Intelligence include:
a. domestic;
b. overseas;
c. ideology;
d. politics;
e. economics;
f. socio-cultural;
g. defense and / or security;
h. law;
i. natural resources; and
j. information and communication technology.
Part One
Article 8
Conducted by the National Intelligence:
a. organizers of the National Intelligence; and
b. nonkementerian government ministries or agencies and / or
local government that performs functions Intelligence.
Part Two
State Intelligence Operator
Article 9
(1) Operators of National Intelligence referred to in Article 8
point a consists of:
a. Indonesian National Military Intelligence;
b. Indonesian National Police Intelligence; and
c. Intelligence Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia.
d. Organizers sebagaim ana State Intelligence referred to in paragraph (1)
obliged to coordinate with the coordination of intelligence agencies
state through the top leaders of each organization.
Paragraph 1
Indonesian National Military Intelligence
Article 10
(1) Indonesian National Military Intelligence referred to in Article 9
paragraph (1) letter a has the functions as the State Intelligence
referred to in Article 6 paragraph (1).
(2) The function referred to in paragraph (1) implemented in the form
effort, job, strategic intelligence activities and coaching ability
Strategic intelligence in support of the main tasks of the Defence Force
Indonesia in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
Paragraph 2
Indonesian National Police Intelligence
Article 11
(1) Indonesian National Police Intelligence referred
in Article 9 paragraph (1) letter b perform the functions of the State Intelligence
referred to in Article 6 paragraph (1).
(2) The function referred to in paragraph (1) implemented in the form
efforts, employment, criminal intelligence activities, and law enforcement in order to
m endukung execution of the tasks of government in order
m ewujudkan internal security in accordance with the provisions of regulations
Paragraph 3
Intelligence Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia
Article 12
(1) Intelligence Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia as referred to in Article
9 paragraph (1) letter b performs functions as the State Intelligence
referred to in Article 6 paragraph (1).
(2) The function referred to in paragraph (1) implemented in the form
efforts, employment, law enforcement intelligence activities in order
m endukung implementation of prosecutorial authority in the field of prosecution in
spatial arrangement of the power of law enforcement agencies and justice in accordance
with the provisions of the legislation.
Article 13
Duties, authority, organizational structure and working procedures of the organizers of Intelligence
State referred to in Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12
implemented in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
Part Three
Ministry or Government Agency Nonkementerian and / or
Local Government
Article 14
(1) In addition to organizing the National Intelligence referred to in Article
9 paragraph (1), the ministries or government agencies nonkementerian and / or
perform the functions of local government in the field of Intelligence
investigation in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
(2) In order m enjalankan Intelligence functions, ministries or agencies
nonkementerian government and / or local government shall
coordinate with state agencies through the coordination of intelligence-led
The highest of each organization.
Part One
Article 15
State Intelligence personnel are Indonesian citizens who meet
requirements specified in legislation and appointed
by authorized officers to devote themselves in the Intelligence service.
Part Two
Rights and Obligations
Article 16
Each Member State is entitled Intelligence:
a. obtain protection in m elaksanakan tasks, effort, employment,
activities, and functions of intelligence;
b. obtain protection for his family at the time of the Intelligence Personnel
State duty, effort, work, activities and functions of Intelligence;
c. get an education, training, and assignments in Intelligence
tiered and sustainable.
Article 17
Each Member State Intelligence shall:
a. keep all the effort, work, activities, objectives, information,
special facilities, equipment and special tools, support, and / or
personnel associated with the implementation of the functions and activities of the Intelligence
b. comply with the Code of State Intelligence;
c. take an oath or promise of National Intelligence; and
d. carry out the duties and functions in a professional manner based on the plan
working operations in accordance with the Code and the provisions of the State Intelligence
Part Three
Oath or Promise
Article 18
(1) Prior to his appointment as the State Intelligence Personnel, each candidate Personnel
National Intelligence shall take an oath or promise of the State Intelligence
in accordance with the religion or belief respectively.
(2) An oath or affirmation referred to in paragraph (1) reads as
"By Allah I swear, or I promise:
That I will be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia
based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic
Indonesia Year 1945.
That I will uphold human rights, democracy, and
ation suprem law.
That I will perform the duties and authority in my position
earnest, thorough, objective, honest, courageous, and professional.
That I will uphold the code of ethics in every State Intelligence
place, time, and in a state anyway.
That I never gave up on running all the duties and
liability position.
That I will hold firm all the secrets in the National Intelligence
circumstances anyway. "
Part Four
Honor Code and Council of State Intelligence
Article 19
(1) State Intelligence Personnel in performing his duties attached to the Code
Conduct National Intelligence.
(2) of the Code of State Intelligence referred to in paragraph (1) prepared
by the state intelligence agency coordination.
Article 20
(1) oversight of the implementation of the Code by the National Intelligence
Honorary Board of National Intelligence.
(2) State Intelligence Advisory Board referred to in paragraph (1)
authorized to investigate and prosecute violations of the Code case
State Intelligence conducted by the National Intelligence Personnel.
(3) The provisions concerning the composition and working procedures of the Intelligence Advisory Board
State referred to in paragraph (1) shall be further
intelligence coordination state regulatory agencies.
Part Five
Recruitment and Professional Development
Paragraph 1
Article 21
(1) Source of energy derived from the State Intelligence, Headquarters
Armed Forces of Indonesia, Indonesian National Police Headquarters,
Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia, and other State Intelligence.
(2) In an effort to realize that the State Intelligence professionals, recruitment
power as dim aksud in paragraph (1), implemented based on
requirements and the selection is further regulated by rules
head of state intelligence agency coordination.
Paragraph 2
Professional Development
Article 22
(1) The development of professional skills is the National Intelligence Personnel
m elalui education, training, and assignments in stages Intelligence
and sustainable.
(2) Developing professional ability as referred to in paragraph
(1) shall be further regulated by rules of intelligence coordination agency head
Part Six
Protection of the State Intelligence Personnel
Article 23
(1) The State shall provide protection against any Intelligence Personnel
State in carrying out its duties and functions of Intelligence.
(2) The protection referred to in paragraph (1) includes protection
personal and family protection.
Article 24
(1) Inform ation Intelligence confidential.
(2) Inform ation Intelligence referred to in paragraph (1) includes:
a. state intelligence systems;
b. accesses associated with the implementation of its activities;
c. criminal intelligence data relating to the prevention and
handling all forms of transnational crime;
d. plans relating to the prevention and
handling all forms of transnational crime;
e. documents relating to the conduct of the Intelligence Security
National and
f. Intelligence personnel of the state relating to the implementation of Security
Article 25
(1) is determined by Intelligence Information Privacy Information Retention Period
(2) Intelligence Information Retention Period referred to in paragraph (1)
valid for 20 (twenty) years.
(3) The period of retention of intelligence information referred to in paragraph (2) can
extended after obtaining approval from the House of Representatives
Republic of Indonesia.
(4) The period of retention of intelligence information referred to in paragraph (2) can
otherwise expire if intentionally or unintentionally Intelligence information
known to the public.
(5) Intelligence Information Retention Period referred to in paragraph (2) can
declared finished before the retention period ends for the sake of
court and based on a court warrant.
Article 26
Intelligence information is publicly accessible, namely:
a. Intelligence information other than information that is confidential Intelligence
referred to in Article 24 paragraph (2);
b. Intelligence information that has expired retention period as
referred to in Article 25 paragraph (2);
c. Intelligence information that has been known by the public as
referred to in Article 25 paragraph (4); and
d. Intelligence information that is used for the benefit of the court and
based on a court warrant.
Part One
Article 27
Intelligence coordination institution under state and responsible
to the President.
Part Two
Article 28
(1) coordination of state intelligence agencies perform the functions of the Intelligence
referred to in Article 6 paragraph (1) both within the country
m aupun abroad.
(2) In addition to the functions referred to in paragraph Intelligence
(1), state intelligence coordinating agency performs the function of coordination Intelligence
Part Three
Article 29
(1) In order to perform the functions referred ana sebagaim Intelligence
in Article 28 paragraph (1), the state agency in charge of intelligence coordination:
a. conduct the assessment and preparation of national policy in the field
b. Intelligence product delivered as consideration for
determine government policy;
c. planning and intelligence operations; and
d. facilitate and foster intelligence activities in government agencies.
(2) In order to perform the functions referred ana sebagaim Intelligence
in Article 28 paragraph (2), the state agency in charge of intelligence coordination:
a. provide material for consideration based on input from the Intelligence
State to the President in determining policy and strategy
b. coordinate the counter-intelligence activities both domestically and
c. coordinate fundraising in both the domestic and overseas
conducted by the National Intelligence;
d. preparing the Code of State Intelligence and form of the Honorary Board
National Intelligence; and
e. organize training and general administrative services in
the field of general planning, administration, organization and governance,
personnel, finance, filing, legal, coding, equipment,
and households.
Part Four
Article 30
(1) To carry out the tasks as dim mentioned in Article 29 paragraph (1)
coordination of state intelligence agencies the authority to:
a. plan and national policies in the field of Intelligence in
b. Intelligence provides for ministries, government agencies
nonkementerian, or the appropriate agency interests and priorities; and
c. Intelligence cooperation with other countries.
(2) To carry out tasks referred to in Article 29 paragraph (2)
coordination of state intelligence agencies the authority to:
a. coordinate policies on Intelligence;
b. coordinate intelligence functions in their respective Intelligence
Country; and
c. organize and manage the National Intelligence system.
Part Five
Special Powers
Article 31
(1) In addition to ana sebagaim authority referred to in Article 30 paragraph (1), institutions
intelligence coordination state has a special authority to intercept
communication and checking the flow of funds allegedly to finance
terrorism, separatism, and threats, interference, obstacles, challenges
which threatens the sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
(2) interception of communication as referred to in paragraph (1) required
in carrying out intelligence functions.
(3) In examining the flow of funds referred to in paragraph (1),
state intelligence agency to coordinate assistance to Bank m eminta
Indonesia, Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC),
non-bank financial institutions, and remittance services institution.
(4) Bank Indonesia, Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis
(INTRAC), non-bank financial institutions, and institutions ngiriman services pe
money referred to in paragraph (3) shall provide information
to the state intelligence agency coordination in accordance with the provisions of
Part Six
Article 32
(1) Institute of intelligence coordination led by a head of state and
assisted by a deputy chief.
(2) Membership includes state intelligence agency coordination supreme leader
State Intelligence.
Article 33
The appointment and dismissal of the head and deputy head of the coordinating institution
state intelligence determined by Presidential Decree.
Article 34
Further provisions concerning the criteria and the appointment of the head and deputy
head, the formation, organizational structure and working procedures of coordination bodies
state intelligence regulated by Presidential Decree.
Part One
Article 35
The cost required for the implementation and execution of the State Intelligence
the task of coordinating state intelligence agencies are charged on a Budget
Revenue and Expenditure.
Part Two
Article 36
Reports and responsibilities of the activities presented in writing by the Intelligence
State to the President through the Head of the state intelligence agency coordination.
Part Three
Article 37
(1) Oversight of policies, activities, and use of intelligence budget
State conducted by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia.
(2) In order to control for the deepening and completion
m ROBLEM with the policies, activities, and use of intelligence budget
State, the Commission on the Council of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia
m embidangi problem of National Intelligence to establish the Working Committee
according to need.
(3) Working Committee as referred to in paragraph (2) must maintain
Intelligence Information confidentiality as referred to in Article 24
This Act.
Article 38
Any person who intentionally leaked intelligence information
confidential information referred to in Article 24 shall be sentenced to
minimum imprisonment of 7 (seven) years and a maximum of 15 (fifteen) years and
fine of at least 50,000,000, 00 (fifty million rupiah) and maximum
Rp500.000.000, 00 (five hundred million rupiah).
Article 39
Any person who negligently caused the leaking of information
Intelligence that is confidential as defined in Article 24 shall be sentenced
with imprisonment not less than 5 (five) years and a maximum of 10
(Ten) years and a fine of at least 20,000,000, 00 (twenty million
rupiah) and maximum Rp100.000.000, 00 (one hundred million rupiah).
Article 40
(1) Each State Intelligence Personnel who m embocorkan entire effort,
work, activities, objectives, information, special facilities, tools and equipment
special equipment, support, and / or personnel with b erkaitan
organization of functions and efforts, employment, activities of State Intelligence
referred to in Article 17 letter a shall be sentenced to
imprisonment of at least 9 (nine) years and a maximum of 20 (twenty)
years and a fine of not less Rp1.000.000.000, 00 (one billion rupiah) and
10,000,000,000 at most, 00 (ten billion rupiahs).
(2) In the case of criminal acts as referred to in paragraph (1) conducted
in a state of war, is liable to a plus 1 / 3 (one third) of
foreign m respectively the maximum sentence.
Article 41
Each State Intelligence Personnel who perform outside the interception of communication
functions of investigation, security, and raising as intended
in Article 31 shall be punished with imprisonment not less than 7 (seven) years
and maximum of 10 (ten) years and a fine of not less Rp500.000.000, 00
(Five hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of 10,000,000,000, 00 (ten billion
Article 42
(1) Upon enactment of this law, no later than 12 (twelve)
month, the state intelligence agency coordination has been formed.
(2) Before the state intelligence agency coordination was established, the National Intelligence
State still can m elaksanakan duties.
Article 43
At the time the Act comes into force, the provisions concerning:
a. State Intelligence ethics;
b. Honorary Board of the National Intelligence;
c. recruitment of National Intelligence; and
d. State Intelligence capability development
have been established at the latest within 12 (twelve) months from
enactment of this Act.
Article 44
Regulation of the Government as the implementation of this Act shall have
determined no later than 12 (twelve) months from the enactment of
This Act.
Article 45
At the time the Act comes into force, all laws and regulations
laws relating to the State Intelligence otherwise remain
valid as long as not contrary to the provisions in the Act
Article 46
This Law shall come into force on the date of promulgation.
For every person to know, ordered enactment Act
Law by placing it in State Gazette
Ratified in Jakarta
on December .............
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Promulgated in Jakarta
on date ... ... ... ....
Tor is working in Iran, but
Tor is working in Iran, but the speed is very very low!
we need to tor on Firefox 4