Avoid risk and protect online identity

A number of good blog posts have been written about how you can avoid risk, protect your online identity, blog safely and so on. We decided to collect links to some of these posts so that you can easily find the information most relevant to you.
How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else) is a guide written by the EFF. The guide talks about how you can use Tor to blog anonymously, and offers a few simple precautions to help you maintain control of your privacy.
Blog Stalkers – Personal Safety for Bloggers is a post written by Darren Rowse. The blog post tells the story of how Rowse had to deal with a stalker for some time, and lists some things to consider regarding the information you reveal online about yourself and your family.
Anonymous Blogging with WordPress & Tor is a guide written by Ethan Zuckerman for Global Voices Advocacy. The guide walks you through how you can use Tor, WordPress and various free email accounts to blog anonymously.
Defending Privacy at the U.S. Border: A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices is a guide by the EFF. The guide explains why your devices can be searched at the border, how the U.S. Government searches devices, and gives advice on how to protect your data.
HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox and Chrome extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure. HTTPS Everywhere is a produced as a collaboration between The Tor Project and the EFF.
Safety tips on blogging from Microsoft. This short guide lists some basic guidelines for bloggers, and also gives some advice to parents about how they can talk to their kids about the Internet and blogging.
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It wouldn't surprise me if
It wouldn't surprise me if major publications are in fact providing people's IP addresses who post to their blogs to national law-enforcement (so to speak) without requiring a warrant. There is an active effort to create a totalitarian state in the US by the oligarchical elite. Orwell would be proud.
"Orwell would be
"Orwell would be proud."
Uh....I don't think you actually meant to say that.
George Orwell would most certainly not be _proud_ at what you describe, but one could argue that he would be _vindicated_ by it.
Similar guide to defending
Similar guide to defending your privacy at the Canadian border by the Britsh Columbia Civil Liberties Association: https://www.bccla.org/othercontent/Electronic-devices.pdf
Using Tor in a profesionnal
Using Tor in a profesionnal context :
Do IT and Admin can see my surf ? I mean in the same LAN
They use also PCAnywhere : same question ?
Tor protects you at
Tor protects you at different network level. Of course all traffic is encrypted anyway, as far you are browsing internet, but not using shares or f.e pcAnywhere sessions inside your LAN. In LAN Admin has more possibilities to watch and interact with your activities.
I am not an expert, but
I am not an expert, but wording this answer differently:
browser<>Tor Unencrypted
Tor,your PC<>LAN: encrypted
LAN<>Internet (actually, the first Tor node): encrypted
non-exit tor nodes<>non-exit tor nodes: encrypted
exit node<> the website you see: Unencrypted
is a remote desktop, so I think the other PC (your admin) can see what you see on your display.
Maybe you can block the PcAnywhere port or ports?
1. PcAnywhere might try new ports when any fail. You would need to experiment. Or you might need to allow only a few ports, and I don't know how. I have only read related info: Maybe a socksifier, then maybe also a software firewall. I assume socksifier must be installed, but you cannot install software.
2. Admin might have alert for when PcAnywhere fails. (I don't know if alert might be included feature in PcAnywhere?) Or admin might simply walk (on human legs and feet) to check why PcAnywhere seems blocked. :(
The judge recommends to use
The judge recommends to use TOR when the whistleblowers use https://www.ceic.gouv.qc.ca.
In Canada, in the province of Quebec, the « Commission Charbonneau » inquires into the corruption in the public utilities and the influence of the Mafia in the governments, in the cities, etc.
Judge France Charbonneau asks the citizens to use a Web form to give him the tips ones denouncing concrete examples of corruptions of civils servant and elected officials. In the policy of confidentiality of its Web site, it “strongly recommends” to use TOR.