July 2009 Progress Report

by phobos | August 10, 2009

New releases

On July 8th, we released Vidalia 0.1.15..

On July 8th, we updated the Tor bundles with the new Vidalia to fix an ssl issue and the Firefox Torbutton extension installation for OS X users.

On July 8th, we released Tor

Tor Browser Bundle 1.2.3 was released on July 8, 2009.
TBB 1.2.3 was replaced by 1.2.4 on July 11, 2009
TBB 1.2.5 was released on July 25th. It solely included an update to Tor .
TBB 1.2.6 was released on July 28th. It solely included an update to Tor

On July 24th, we released Tor

On July 28th, we released Tor

Make Tor a better tool for users in censored countries

Tor is our new stable. That is, this is the first stable release
of the 0.2.1.x branch. The 0.2.0.x branch went stable in July of 2008.
From the release:

If the bridge config line doesn't specify a port, assume 443.
This makes bridge lines a bit smaller and easier for users to

If we're using bridges and our network goes away, be more willing
to forgive our bridges and try again when we get an application

Architecture and technical design docs for Tor enhancements related to blocking-resistance.

Proposal 166 details four steps we're taking to safely collect data
about Tor's network performance and network usage: 1) directory client
counts by country, 2) entry guard client counts by country, 3) relay
cell statistics, and 4) exit traffic by port and volume.

Hide Tor's network signature

Part of the reason why Tor might be especially slow in Iran could
be that they're doing deep packet inspection (DPI) to throttle SSL
connections. Tor's strategy of looking like SSL might turn out to be a
bad move in this case. It's hard to tell whether the SSL throttling is
actually happening, of course, because we get plenty of mixed information
from our sources in Iran. But if it *is* happening, we should start
investigating traffic obfuscation approaches that a) don't look like SSL,
but b) don't look recognizably like any other protocol.

Some other Iran circumvention developers have come up with a patch to
obfuscate ssh traffic:

Sometime soon we should start looking at designs to super-encrypt the
Tor link traffic in this way.

Grow the Tor network and user base. Outreach

On July 1st, Andrew gave a detailed Tor talk at the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance. Andrew's blog about the event is at https://ocewjwkdco.tudasnich.de/blog/visit-ncfta.

On July 7th, Andrew was a panelist for the CIMA/NED discussion on Iran and the Role of New Media, http://cima.ned.org/events/new-media-in-iran.html. Andrew's blog about the event is at https://ocewjwkdco.tudasnich.de/blog/cimaned-panel-iran-and-new-media.

On July 15th, Andrew presented Tor at Webinno22, http://www.webinnovatorsgroup.com/2009/07/06/the-webinno22-demo-compani…. Further discussions about online privacy startups and business deals with various investors and their seed companies are continuing since this event.

More press interviews and articles:

Iran activists work to elude crackdown on Internet, http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hTf-p6Iy3sWHK8BRR58np…


Twitter and Facebook Help Protestors Connect, http://www.outloud.com/2009/issue96/protest.html

US set to hike aid aimed at Iranians, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2009/07/26/us_to_…

Senate OKs funds to thwart Iran Web censors , http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jul/26/senate-help-iran-dodge-…

We wrote a follow-up blog post about the number of people using Tor
from Iran and China in June:

On July 1-5, Roger, Jake, Mike, and Damian attended Toorcamp in rural
Washington State. Roger did a talk on current attacks and vulnerabilities
in Tor.

On July 21-23, Roger attended a workshop in DC at the National Academy of
Sciences. The workshop focused on the combination of Usability, Privacy,
and Security, and where future funding should concentrate.

On July 31, Roger gave a Defcon talk on the current state of Tor's
performance challenges and how we're addressing them:

Preconfigured privacy (circumvention) bundles for USB or LiveCD.

Tor Browser Bundle 1.2.3 was released on July 8, 2009.
TBB 1.2.3 was replaced by 1.2.4 on July 11, 2009
TBB 1.2.5 was released on July 25th. It solely included an update to Tor .
TBB 1.2.6 was released on July 28th. It solely included an update to Tor

Upgraded many programs in Incognito to address security concerns and general bugfixes.


Updated geoip database. From the release:

If the bridge config line doesn't specify a port, assume 443.
This makes bridge lines a bit smaller and easier for users to

If we're using bridges and our network goes away, be more willing
to forgive our bridges and try again when we get an application

Scalability, load balancing, directory overhead, efficiency.

From the release:
Network status consensus documents and votes now contain bandwidth
information for each relay. Clients use the bandwidth values
in the consensus, rather than the bandwidth values in each
relay descriptor. This approach opens the door to more accurate
bandwidth estimates once the directory authorities start doing
active measurements. Implements part of proposal 141.

When building a consensus, do not include routers that are down.
This cuts down 30% to 40% on consensus size. Implements proposal

Authorities now vote for the Stable flag for any router whose
weighted mean time between failure (MTBF) is at least 5 days, regardless of the mean MTBF.

The main 2009 remaining performance changes are, in order of importance:
- Get the bwauthority scripts into place so authorities are voting on
more accurate bandwidths.
- Write a proposal for capping the circuit window much lower, and
implement it, and backport it to 0.2.1.x.
- Proposal 151: Mike's plan to track circuit build times and give up on
the slow ones.
- Write a proposal for refilling our bandwidth buckets intra-second.
Consider deploying in 0.2.2.x.
- Figure out what we can do for a less fair round-robin between active
circuits. My intuition is heading towards "we don't know what effect
each possible change will make, and our other changes are going to
have big effects, so we shouldn't deploy anything here quite yet."
- Get enough authorities upgraded that our bug 969 fixes ("voting wrong
on wfu and mtbf") take effect.

More reliable (e.g. split) download mechanism.

We have a new Volunteer, Jon, working on maintaining and expanding the list of tor mirrors. Jon has contacted all mirror maintainers and updated the mirrors list. Three were removed, two added, and seven updated with new information. There are 39 active mirrors.


10 Polish website updates
7 French website updates
1 Chinese website updates
German torbutton translations updated
Finnish torbutton translations updated
Generate translation infrastructure for our email auto-responder.
Ukrainian torbutton translation started
Start of a Thai torbutton translation
Spanish torbutton translation
Ukrainian check.torproject.org translation
Thai check.torproject.org translation

Our Google Summer of Code student, Runa, created a set of scripts to allow translators to translate our website content through the translation web portal. This will greatly simplify the process used to translate the website.


Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

August 10, 2009


Since in the state-file a lot of 'EntryGuard' entrys gets
listed and unlisted. Additional these unlisted servers are NOT EntryGuard's.

August 10, 2009


"[warn] Requested exit node ''xxxxx" is in ExcludeNodes or ExcludeExitNodes.. using anyway"

Why "using anyway" ?

August 11, 2009


My guess is that its not used for circuits of General purpose.
So its relatively safe.

August 15, 2009


Could you perhaps give an update on when Tor will be available for Android
(and perhaps other mobile platforms)?
I could only find a passing mention in the January report,
yet it seems an overwhelmingly important step.

You can compile tor on Android right now (same with iphone and winCE for that matter). However, there still needs to be research into how safe it is to use Tor on a phone. The phone environments and operating systems are sufficiently different from laptop/desktop/server operating systems that simply porting isn't so easy. Getting Tor into the Android Market, or Apple App Store is an entirely different challenge.

Yes Tor may run on your phone now. However, if your applications don't support SOCKS5, or leak data all over the place, you're no safer than before.

Getting Tor fully supported on Android, iPhone, and WinCE is on the roadmap for the next 3 years. As this is an un-funded project, it's being done by volunteers with free time, so it'll get done when it's done.

As phones become more important, I'm concerned that my cell provider can see, record, filter/censor all of my Internet traffic on the phone. More and more people use their phone heavily, some as a near replacement for a netbook or laptop. I agree that this is important, but right now it's a volunteer effort. Feel free to join us.

August 16, 2009

In reply to phobos


Thanks for the quick answer - not being talented enough, I'll be patient, not rush my smartphone purchase, and consider a donation :)

September 15, 2009

In reply to phobos


We've recently released a pure Java implementation of Tor for the Android which is now available from the Android Marketplace. It makes extensive use of the OnionCoffee Tor implementation and could undoubtedly do with further improvements; we've made the source code available for all under GPL v2 and are happy to accept updates. More info at:


August 15, 2009


#Since in the state-file a lot of 'EntryGuard' entrys gets
#listed and unlisted. Additional these unlisted servers are NOT #EntryGuard's.

Thats the difference between "state"-file 2.0.35 and The same like at my pc.
i dont know the reason for.
Whats the reason for?