New Pluggable Transports bundles (flashproxy + obfsproxy)

by asn | March 19, 2013

We've updated the Pluggable Transports Tor Browser Bundles with Firefox 17.0.4esr and Tor These releases have numerous bug fixes and a new Torbutton as well.

Like the previous bundles, these contain Flashproxy and the Python version of Obfsproxy.

Flash proxy is a transport that uses proxies running in web browsers as access points into Tor. Obfsproxy is a pluggable transport that makes network traffic look unlike normal Tor traffic. Both of these technologies make it harder to block access to Tor. If you previously used the obfsproxy bundle, please upgrade to this bundle, which in addition to flash proxy has new obfsproxy bridges.

Flash proxy works differently from other pluggable transports, and you need to take extra steps to make it work. In particular, you will probably need to configure port forwarding in order to receive connections from browser proxies. There are instructions and hints on how to do that at this page: flash proxy howto.

These bundles contain the same hardcoded obfs2 bridge addresses as the previous bundles which may work for some jurisdictions but you are strongly advised to get new bridge addresses from BridgeDB:

Furthermore, we are looking for feedback on how the bundles work. Please leave comments on the flash proxy usability wiki page or ticket #7824 with your experience, good or bad.

There are other ways you can help beyond testing the bundles. One is to run a bridge with pyobfsproxy. Another is to put the flash proxy badge on your web site or blog, or add it to your Wikipedia profile. If you want your browser to continue to be a proxy after a switch to an opt-in model, click the “Yes” button on the options page.


Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

March 19, 2013


Anyone has same problems? I have two PCs working in same network ADSL+router.
Flashproxy-reg-email works well in the PC running WIN7; but flashproxy-reg-email doesn't work in the PC running XP sp3, here is the details:

2013-03-20 13:29:21 Trying to register ":9002".
2013-03-20 13:29:21 Running command: D:\xxx\download\F20\Tor Browser\App\flashproxy-reg-email :9002
2013-03-20 13:29:27 Local connection from [scrubbed].
2013-03-20 13:29:34 SOCKS request from [scrubbed].
2013-03-20 13:29:34 Got SOCKS request for [scrubbed].
2013-03-20 13:29:34 locals (1): ['[scrubbed]']
2013-03-20 13:29:34 remotes (0): []
2013-03-20 13:29:34 Data from unlinked local [scrubbed] (217 bytes).
2013-03-20 13:29:34 locals (1): ['[scrubbed]']
2013-03-20 13:29:34 remotes (0): []
2013-03-20 13:29:41 flashproxy-reg-email: Failed to register: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
2013-03-20 13:29:41 flashproxy-reg-email exited with status 1.
2013-03-20 13:29:41 Running command: D:\xxx\download\F20\Tor Browser\App\flashproxy-reg-http :9002
2013-03-20 13:29:43 flashproxy-reg-http: Registered ":9002" with
2013-03-20 13:29:47 Remote connection from [scrubbed].

Same error here, on a Win7 64bit PC:
2013-03-23 13:34:46 flashproxy-reg-email: Failed to register: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
2013-03-23 13:34:46 flashproxy-reg-email exited with status 1.

Anybody knows what's the culprit?
Using Tor Browser out of the the latest pluggable transports bundle or w/ additional port forwarding result in same situation.

March 21, 2013


TOR, recent two weeks,very difficult to connect to tor network in China,even I use sock5 proxy, it is hard to connect. and after connecting, I remove proxy, and restart nearly the same time, but couldn't connect again.Could your people have a check the Tor status now in China?
Fuck GFW.

March 21, 2013


and more now in China, I use proxy to connect tor, when tor start firefox, the firefox broswer just couldn't connect too, shows, proxy refuse to connect.

March 22, 2013


Sorry thats i write here, but i have in the normal browser bundle
often app.exe crash. when i close tor. how can i help and report it? Is there any log that i can e-mail to support?

March 22, 2013


三月 22 *.*:55.671 [Notice] Tor v0.2.4.11-alpha (git-fcd9248387249d68) running on Windows XP with Libevent 2.0.21-stable and OpenSSL 1.0.0k.
三月 22 *.*:55.671 [Notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at
三月 22 *.*:55.671 [Notice] This version is not a stable Tor release. Expect more bugs than usual.
三月 22 *.*:55.671 [Notice] Read configuration file "C:\Tor Browser\Data\Tor\torrc".
三月 22 *.*:55.781 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
三月 22 *.*:55.781 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
三月 22 *.*:55.781 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file .\Data\Tor\geoip.
三月 22 *.*:01.078 [Warning] Failed to create child process flashproxy-client: 由于应用程序配置不正确,应用程序未能启动。重新安装应用程序可能会纠正这个问题。
三月 22 *.*:01.078 [Warning] Managed proxy at 'flashproxy-client' failed at launch.
三月 22 *.*:01.078 [Warning] Failed to create child process pyobfsproxy: 由于应用程序配置不正确,应用程序未能启动。重新安装应用程序可能会纠正这个问题。
三月 22 *.*:01.078 [Warning] Managed proxy at 'pyobfsproxy' failed at launch.
三月 22 *.*:01.906 [Notice] Bootstrapped 5%: Connecting to directory server.
三月 22 *.*:01.906 [Warning] We were supposed to connect to bridge '' using pluggable transport 'websocket', but we can't find a pluggable transport proxy supporting 'websocket'. This can happen if you haven't provided a ClientTransportPlugin line, or if your pluggable transport proxy stopped running.

I think your windows firewall blocks flashproxy-client and pyobfsproxy.

March 23, 2013


I'm confused:

I want to use the obfsproxy 'server' (if that's correct) TBB to help those users that need to use obfsproxy, while I would connect directly with my Tor client, is this the bundle I would use?

IIRC, at one time there was a test obfsproxy TBB I used that was an obfsproxy server, I forwarded ports for the server, and it ran well.

March 24, 2013


hi again
1-it got a long time for connecting to relays
2-it seems have not compatibility with some website elements! it go in (not respond)mode and at least i must exit tor and restart it again and stop the website when it is loading is not complete

March 24, 2013


China here, i've been successfully using flashproxy 2.4.7 alpha1 for the last 2 months or so.
Last week i tried to update to the new bundle 2.4.11 alpha1 but it didn't work, giving notice that the proxy server refused the connection.
(First the hardcoded bridges din't work, then i tried the ones i've been using, but with no success.)
I "rolled back" to the previous version (2.4.7 alpha1) and it's again working fine with those same bridges that "failed" with 2.4.11 alpha1.
Keep on the good work, thank you so much for making this progressive software available for anyone who wants to use it.

July 10, 2013


I am in China. Just got 2.4.12-alpha for linux. Getting message "server rejected". Should I try adding more bridges? When I add bridges should I also delete some? If yes, which ones? If I need to add more, how many?