New Release: Tor Browser 8.0.3

Tor Browser 8.0.3 is now available from the Tor Browser Project page and also from our distribution directory.
This release features important security updates to Firefox.
Tor Browser 8.0.3 includes newer NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere versions. Moreover, it ships with a donation banner for our end of the year campaign and includes another round of smaller fixes for Tor Browser 8 issues on Linux systems. We also switched to a newer API for our NoScript <-> Torbutton communication, which we need for the Security Slider.
The full changelog since Tor Browser 8.0.2 is:
- All platforms
- Update Firefox to 60.3.0esr
- Update Torbutton to 2.0.8
- Update HTTPS Everywhere to 2018.9.19
- Update NoScript to
- Linux
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
Gesturefy (latest version)…
Gesturefy (latest version) extension doesn't work.
We have this ticket open…
We have this ticket open:
Unable to post comment at…
Unable to post comment at the ticket (link above), so, posting here:
Gesturefy 2.0.3 (extension enabled)
TBB 8.0.3
dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled=false **no mouse gestures are seen by the extension, as if it's not even turned on
dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled=true **mouse gestures are seen by the extension, but no matter what gesture I try, only 'UP' gesture is executed
Unable to post comment at…
Unable to post comment at the ticket (link above), so, posting here:
Gesturefy 2.0.3 (extension enabled)
TBB 8.0.3
-- continuation from the last post / dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled testing --
privacy.resistFingerprinting=true [default] **mouse gestures not seen by the extension
privacy.resistFingerprinting=false **mouse gestures and the extension works properly
As I do not know what this preference does, nor it's impact on privacy/TOR, I have set it back to default. So, once again gestures do not work. If someone can find out what exactly this preference is doing to the extension, that'd be great.
There are several other privacy.resistFingerprinting(.xxx) preferences, all of which were left on default (TRUE) during testing.
Nice. You guys are awesome…
Nice. You guys are awesome and thanks for all your hard work!
Agreed. The shortcomings…
The shortcomings that I experience are quantum/webextensions related, not tor related.
(I am using the stable release, not beta, alpha...)
Thank you for everything you…
Thank you for everything you do.You are great!
McAfee issues again where…
McAfee issues again where the new update gets quarenteed. This has been happening since version 8.0 I believe. Here it shows the current problem and one prior.
is pingsender.exe safe?…
is pingsender.exe safe? after my update, it got quarantined
McAfee is a crap, again.
McAfee is a crap. Again.
impossible de s'identifier…
impossible de s'identifier sur orange (unable to identify on FAI orange with this update
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
"Orange" is number one (ISP)…
"Orange" is number one (ISP) in france
ISP = FAI in french
CBF means that he can't log in his ISP mailbox/client service.
afaik, it is not related at tor but it's related at the isp which does not allow anonymous log in (javascript required & cookies maybe) even with a vpn, it could be refused ...
first you must connect at home second allow javascript & cooky third call the client service (or by chat) if you cannot anymore. i mean it is more a server problem than a tor one.
contactez votre service client en cas 'de diffilculté de connection : c'est plus un probleme de serveur côté fai qu'un probleme avec tor (n'oubliez pas d'activez javascript et d'autorisez les cookies).
la surveillance est très forte en france : the update does not block the connection but the government maybe.
32bit Windows7 - ok! Thanks…
32bit Windows7 - ok! Thanks a lot!
why does browser.zoom…
why does browser.zoom.siteSpecific ; true not work anymore?
me too. why is it disabled?
me too. why is it disabled?
My TOR auto-updated. My Anti…
My TOR auto-updated. My Anti-virus red flagged PINGSENDER.EXE as malicious. Just letting you know.
Thanks for the free software GK. We appreciate your efforts too.
“The dictionary is the only…
“The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. work is the key to success, and hard work can help you accomplish anything.”
― Vince Lombardi
My BIG salute to your hard work. you guys are extraordinary.
keep on moving.................
It appears that twitter is…
It appears that twitter is sometimes blocking tor. Do others also see this?
almost blank page, with…
By "blocking", do you mean an almost blank page, with message something like, "bandwidth too high" ? (I don't recall words)
Often refreshing that tab fixes the problem. Other times, need to use "new circuit for this site" (in the left end of the addressbar) to fix.
Why do exit servers…
Why do exit servers sometimes show as coming from one country when checked at the URL info buttun, but when checked with GeoIP it shows they are from another country?
your first relay shows you…
your first relay shows you the country (guard) where you live, when you check with geoip , it is another relay (third / unknown) ... so another country ... it is like that tor runs
The first relay does not get…
The first relay does not get picked depending on your location but more or less randomly out of the Guard relay pool.
my first relay (picked…
my first relay (picked randomly out of the guard relay pool) is often located where i live ;)
very good
very good
same prob as others. McAfee…
same prob as others. McAfee reports the 64bit ESR Firefox update this installs as a virus. TOR 8.0.3 installs / updates earlier version fine, it updates Firefox to Firefox to 60.3.0 esr and then requests a restart. When you do, McAfee quarantines it. Did clean installs of other earlier 64bit TOR versions, same thing happened ever time after the Firefox upgrade.
Did several new installs of 8.0.3 32bit and NPF.
Does the torbrowser time out…
Does the torbrowser time out if a "tor circuit" cannot be completed?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Sometimes when I start Tor…
Sometimes when I start Tor it shows the progress bar but never seems to complete. Would the tor browser time out if it can't create a circuit?
I have the same problem, no…
I have the same problem, no error just wont connect. So far a Tor reboot works. BTW how long does it take before Tor would through an error?
OK, Good job.
OK, Good job.
This is perhaps not related…
This is perhaps not related to TOR per se ...
I had violetmonkey installed. After the 8..0.3 updated, it is disabled. Clicking on the icon, it shows 'scripts disabled'.
I switched to violetmonkey as greasemonkey stopped functioning when TOR 8 was announced.
If you know of any way to get back userscript support, please let know.
GK Thanks for your response…
Thanks for your response of the 15th re my concerns about the information I got when trying to verify the 8.0.2 bundle signature.
I have just tried to verify 8.0.3. and whilst I understand what you have said regarding 8.0.2 and the GnuPG configuration, there is still one aspect of the divergence that I get versus what your instructions say I should get that still confuses/worries me.
It is in relation to the RSA key. You say that what I should get is:
“using RSA key 0xD1483FA6C3C07136””
Whereas what I do get (again) is:
RSA key EB774491D9FF06E2
I rather thought (assumed) that something as important as the RSA key should not vary, so why does it?
have same problem gpg:…
have same problem
gpg: Signature made Mon 22 Oct 16:05:52 2018 MSK using RSA key ID D9FF06E2
suggestion : could you add…
suggestion : could you add at the standard toolbar the icon "home" & the icon "https everywhere" please ?
i feel it should be better with these 2 icons (https is in blue/red easily and home is helpful).
of course, the option "customize" helps but a toolbar including these ones per default should be nicer.
Not showing the HTTPS…
Not showing the HTTPS-Everywhere icon on first start is actually a bug (, but we are in the process of redesigning our security controls and the HTTPS-Everywhere icon will be removed from the toolbar in that process. (see:…)
For the home button I opened
Secure Connection Failed …
Secure Connection Failed (with a russian exit).
'new circuit for this site' doesn't work.
is there any (some)one who…
is there any (some)one who speaks french ?
yes i do but it's better to…
yes i do but it's better to write in english (russian, spanish, italian, german ... are supported)
Hello torproject Why the…
Hello torproject
Why the browser directory in the 64bit install.exe(TBB) is an PE+-blob i can't unpack with e.g. 7zip?
Can you change this to a SFX i can handle with e.g. 7zip?
Why do you need that?
Why do you need that?
Is it safe TBB is opening a…
Is it safe TBB is opening a circuit with all 3 relays -guard/middle/exit- in 1 country. I haven't seen this before.
Not sure it is ok but I have…
Not sure it is ok but I have had this many times. And from older versions of Tor blogs ive seen posts saying this is safe, albeit a bit unsettling in my view.
Yes, it's the best option…
Yes, it's the best option. If it refused to build circuits like that, then somebody who knows your exit can narrow out what country your entry guard is in -- and if they see a bunch of connections from you, they would be able to quite quickly learn exactly which country your entry guard is in. That wouldn't be good.
More generally, don't just think of the relay locations, but also think of the network links between the relays. It gets messy quickly:…
Tor automatically avoids using more than one relay in a given network /16 in any circuit. I think there could be a bit more room for complexity in path selection, but complexity is bad news for anonymity (see e.g. the attack at the beginning of this comment) so we need to tread carefully.
When i download Tor Brower…
When i download Tor Brower in french, he is not in french, but in english, with ALL versions of 8.0.x & 8.5.x
Can fix please
Where did you download it…
Where did you download it from? What exactly is the filename of the bundle? You need to select the french version of our website.
>75kb download speed? 17…
>75kb download speed? 17 minutes to download???
Thank you very much for…
Thank you very much for everyone for the great work making Tor better all those years - lots of love
Default Tor Browser 8.0.3…
Default Tor Browser 8.0.3 window resolution is _1000 wide x 998 high_, with saved bookmarks and saved bookmarks folders visible in the horizontal Bookmarks Toolbar visible beneath the Address Bar, and all other settings affecting resolution have their standard-default settings.
8.0.3 resolution should be 1000x1000, as in Tor Browser 7.5.6, with saved bookmarks and saved bookmarks folders visible in the horizontal Bookmarks Toolbar visible beneath the Address Bar, and all other settings affecting resolution have their standard-default settings.
This defect, resolution:1000x998, in 8.0.3 duplicates the identical defect, resolution:1000x998, present in 8.0, 8.0.1, and 8.0.2.
Platform: macOS 10.10.5, desktop
Can someone please help me. …
Can someone please help me. McAfee had quarenteed an object when I installed the new TBB update (Windows 10 64-bit). I now lost all my bookmarks when I thought by deleting the entire Tor browser off my desktop that I could do a new TBB install thinking bookmarks would still be there but it's not. I went to the Firefox user profile for bookmark backups but they only show the bookmarks I have for Firefox. Did me uninstalling the entire Tor browser delete any chance of me retrieving my bookmarks or is there another way to find them on my system? Thank You!
Tor browser bundle is self…
Tor browser bundle is self contained so try something like recova to get your TBB back then pull your bookmarks out.
also with 8.0.3 noscript…
also with 8.0.3 noscript settings not being saved
i would call this an "important security risk"
high CPU usage on pornhub…
high CPU usage on >
./firefox.real --class Tor Browser -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default
browser console not working properly, platform Arch.
Thank you so much for your…
Thank you so much for your hard work!
I have requested new bridges…
I have requested new bridges several times over 10 times but I keep getting the same bridges.
can you tell me why?
Its not the specific bridges…
Its not the specific bridges that repeat its the bridges the torbrowser application aquires when getting bridges from "tor network settings" then "provide a brisge I know". another Mac running high siera had the same issue
Starting with version 8, 90%…
Starting with version 8, 90% OF THE TIME when I start Tor I get the error page that says "Something is wrong" and complaining that Tor is not connected. I quit Tor and restart it and 100% of the time Tor connects on the second try.
It looks like the initial connection on the first startup is either being refused or is timing out prematurely. Is there a workaround for this behavior?
I dont get the "Something is…
I dont get the "Something is wrong" part however Tor often does hang on first boot, restarting always works, so far.
So it looks like the first…
So it looks like the first start of Tor 8.0.3 is hanging in your case and immediately failing in my case. This might reflect a TCP timeout issue. You are hanging waiting for a connection. I am displaying the "Something is wrong" red error startup tab in Tor because my connection is immediately failing. But what is common to both our cases is that the first start of Tor 8.0.3 fails to connect properly. The second connection seems to work.
No chance that this is some kind of man-in-the-middle attack?
Just got TBB setup on W7 and…
Just got TBB setup on W7 and working. Had tinywall allowing TBB through. No trouble getting online but I'm getting a crash on exiting TBB. A dialog box comes up about 30secs later where I can close TBB. In taskmanager theres 2x firefox exe's - One is using 127328 kbs the other is 3596kbs Is this normal?
When I first used to start…
When I first used to start TBB I always clicked on the link "check if I'm currently using Tor" Also I sometimes like to go to the Tor Project page but there's no link to that either. Can we have these back please?
Is it possible to prevent…
Is it possible to prevent bookmark icons?
Is it also possible to remove them?
Keep up the awesome work,…
Keep up the awesome work, guys.
Since the summer time…
Since the summer time started on in Brazil, Tor has stopped to work. It does not connect to any bridge. Other common browsers work regularly. Sometimes during the fail Tor produces some message about a fail in the clock of something.
Tor needs an accurate clock…
Tor needs an accurate clock to work properly. Please double-check that your clock is set correctly after the summer time started.
When I close the browser the…
When I close the browser the Tor process is kept alive as a child of systemd which prevents me from restarting the browser. I need to manually terminate the Tor process before I am able to restart the browser.
Is that reproducible? How…
Is that reproducible? How are you closing Tor Browser? What log output do you get in a terminal if you are closing it? (You can see output by starting the browser with
./start-tor-browser.desktop --debug
)It is reproducible for me. I…
It is reproducible for me. I close the browser simply by clicking the close button in the browser's window frame.
start-tor-browser.desktop does not start the browser, but start-tor-browser does.
When I close the browser the output first mentions a JavaScript error in tor-circuit-display.js (myController is null) and then there are some warnings which look a bit like this:
[Parent ..., Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: pipe error ... Connection reset by peer: file /var/.../, line 353
And finally when I manually terminate the Tor process I am notified:
Catching signal TERM, exiting cleanly.
Does this happen with a…
Does this happen with a freshly downloaded Tor Browser from our website, installed to a different location?
Yes it does
Yes it does
Correction: Tor detaches…
Correction: Tor detaches from firefox.real when I close the browser and becomes a standalone process, not a child of systemd. I misread the process graph. My apologies. But I must still manually terminate the Tor process before I can restart the browser.
Okay, thanks. I opened https…
Okay, thanks. I opened for that bug for further investigation. Please help us tracking this issue down as we can't reproduce it. If you can comment on that ticket and could answer follow-up questions (and test possible debug builds/fixes) that would be really helpful, thanks!
A big problem with Tor…
A big problem with Tor Browser is that many image and file downloading web sites don't work!
These web sites request captcha's and/ or clicking trough multiple layers of javascript links to get into the stuff but they load the final thing (image, or file, or page) from a different sub-domain, sometimes even different domains! And then present the error that the IP is wrong... because Tor Browser is using different paths to different sub-domains and different domains.
There should be a way to allow, at least for some sessions to allow the Tor Browser to use the same path at the very least in the same tab, and maybe even give that option to the all session and all tabs existent or new or to the actual tab and any new tab or windows it opens... from the web site point of view the IP should always seem the same no matter what sub-domains/ different domains it loads to find out if the user is really coming from that IP or using Onion network.
This is extremely danger when not used carefully so some UI should warn visually the user when that is being done... and should be explicitly activated by the user for that "Identity session", and the user should be able to disable it.
Otherwise there exists web sites that can't be used at all because of this way of working of Tor Browser.
Hello, how do I disable…
Hello, how do I disable JavaScript in this new version?
As in the old one by setting…
As in the old one by setting the security slider to the safest level.
Hi Mike Maybe you will also…
Hi Mike
Maybe you will also find the following pages helpful:…
It happen to me one time a…
It happen to me one time a web site I was in is blocked in Russia, the problem is the redirect the domain to another and I couldn't ask for a new onion path since the domain was redirected before I could do that.
Can you add a manual mode in the options to ask for a new path for a specific domain/ sub-domain without having to enter in a tab such that the Tor makes a new path to it and allow the current tabs to get the new path and keep/ start using the page.
How would that work in…
How would that work in practice? You would get a question in every redirect case asking whether you want to have the redirect over a new circuit?
Another way might be to have…
Another way might be to have a circuits/domains tab that you can open which displays all of the active circuits/domains, similar to how the downloads tab displays a list of downloaded files. You could order the circuits by most recent attempted connection and a display a "new circuit" button next to each circuit, similar to how there is a "pause/resume/retry" button next to each incomplete download on the downloads tab.
It should be enough some UI…
It should be enough some UI to enter the domain/ sub-domain and ask Tor manually for a new path to it.
For example, bellow "New Tor Circuit for this Site" option you could add "New Tor Circuit for user provided URL". And explain in help section that in case TOR is making you exit in a server that is redirecting the domain to some other domain/ sub-domain (ex.: country's that censor some contents like Russia and many others) some times to show a message that you were trying to access a forbidden domain, the user should request manually for a new circuit so that it doesn't keep ending in the same censored server.
I would add there is another…
I would add there is another problem/bug closely related to the problem Loook describes. If a website fails to load due to a timeout, the circuit is displayed but clicking on "new circuit" only reloads the page but does not provide a new circuit! "New circuit" only works as expected if a connection is already established. I am using the linux 8.0.3 version.
I can not see download files
I can not see download files
What platform and Tor…
What platform and Tor Browser version are you using? Where are you looking for those files?
When I try to access the…
When I try to access the site "" even using many different TOR circuits I get the message
"Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.
Reference #18.edcf180.1542840518.2dd64b6 "
I find it hard to belive that a US news site would block TOR access. Could you provide some reasons why TOR would be blocked or could this be blocked from other sources?
That website is using the…
That website is using the CDN services by Akamai and they have a Tor blocklist installed by default. Chances are high that the site owner either does not know about and is just running with the default settings. Please ask them to get rid of that Tor ban, thanks!
So Akamai is just as bad as…
So Akamai is just as bad as Cloudflare then! How sad. I recall reading a blog post some time ago which discussed the problem with Cloudflare and it referenced a report by Akamai which found the proportion of legitimate web traffic to be the same for Tor and non-Tor users, so I can't see why they think a default Tor blocklist is a good idea, it just deprives users of content and site owners of traffic!
I noticed that when I go to …
I noticed that when I go to "" for bridges and select IPv6 I get the message
"Uh oh, spaghettios!
There currently aren't any bridges available... Perhaps you should try going back and choosing a different bridge type! "
Are IPv6 bridges available? This occurs for all bridge types
Hm, this works for me now…
Hm, this works for me now. Could you retry and report back in case this is still broken for you?
Just wanted to say I am…
Just wanted to say I am using 8.0.3 on Debian 9.4 and it appears to be working great. As always, a million thanks to the Tor Browser team for all your hard work! My contribution will be coming your way in a week or so, I hope.
After posting a comment here…
After posting a comment here the page gets caught in some kind of redirect loop.
I think this happens with…
I think this happens with JavaScript being disabled, which is a bug which we still not have fixed yet, see:
When I right click a link to…
When I right click a link to open in a new private window, the new window opens against the top of my screen. It will resize itself to full screen almost spontaneously, and quite unpredictably. I try to place the mouse cursor at the top of the browser window to click and drag the window down. Sometimes I make it before "Full Screening", and other times ... BOOM! There it goes. Also, when the browser resizes, there is no yellow warning banner at the top anymore advising against resizing the browser. That's different. This is a TBB 8.0.3_x64bit on a Windows 7-x64bit machine. Thank you for helping all of us users with your continuous dedication to Tor Project.
That warning is only shown…
That warning is only shown three times, assuming users know what they are doing after ignoring it. For the window resizing issue I've opened Thanks for the report.
Re: https://trac.torproject…
Re: ...
Thanks gk. I have gone through 2 or three new mice trying to remedy some odd mouse performance (all of them the same brand from the same retailer ... not my first choice, but they were what was for sale). My last selection has been a different and well known brand (the last one in my reserves). The erratic TBB window resizing has ceased. Other problems with highlight-copy-paste seem solved, too. The warning still does not appear if I deliberately resize though. My trouble may have been defective hardware, i.e.: the computer mice.
Aha! Thanks for the report…
Aha! Thanks for the report back. I am closing the ticket then. Please reopen if this does not seem like a hardware issue on your side.
When I read this and think…
When I read this and think of the times when I have accidentally resized to full screen with a slip of the mouse, I would think it better for the browser to catch a resize event and warn the user before it goes ahead with the resize rather than after when it is too late. "Are you sure you want to do this?" seems a better question than "did you really mean to do that?" But maybe it is more challenging to implement this way, I don't know.
Thank you very much for your…
Thank you very much for your work :).
Thanks to you I can avoid the numeric totalitarism :)
hello, Since tor browser…
hello, Since tor browser what to do with also a vpn to go on the darknet ?
Almost every time I open Tor…
Almost every time I open Tor Browser, the browser is "not responding" for a few seconds.
Also, sometimes when watching videos, the pointer of the mouse is very difficult to handle.
Do you have solutions? Thanks!
Which Tor Browser version…
Which Tor Browser version does that happen with on which platform?
Tor Browser 8.0.3 / 8.0.4…
Tor Browser 8.0.3 / 8.0.4
Windows 8.1
In addition to my first post…
In addition to my first post.
Sometimes when opening Tor Browser, I get a red screen, saying: "Something Went Wrong! Tor is not working in this browser."
I have the same problem of…
I have the same problem of the browser freezing up for a few seconds after opening it and I'm using version 8.0.3 on Linux. I never experienced this before with the 7.x versions. On a different note I noticed the pagination on this site was messed up the last few days, at least for me it didn't work at all (was the code changed?) but the pagination is working again now.
I recently downloaded Tor 8…
I recently downloaded Tor 8.0.3 64-bit to my new computer that has Windows 10 64-bit. The Tor browser launches, but I cannot bookmark web pages, the bookmarks toolbar doesn't appear, the menu button in the upper right does nothing and customize gives a blank screen. I am running Firefox 63.0.3, the most recent. Any idea what's going on? Thanks.
Does an update to 8.0.4 help…
Does an update to 8.0.4 help? Do you have some antivirus/firewall software installed that could interfere with Tor Browser? Does your issue go away if you uninstall it (just for testing as disabling is often not enough to stop this kind of software from messing with other applications)?
Hi again. Updating to 8.0.4…
Hi again. Updating to 8.0.4 and having the latest Firefox version now allows me to open the menu (button on upper right) and the customize screen now opens from the menu. The bookmarks toolbar now also appears, but I still cannot bookmark pages. Ugh. Thank for your help.
What happens if you try to…
What happens if you try to bookmark pages?
Nothing. When you click…
Nothing. When you click bookmark this page, the bookmark window doesn't open where you would select the folder you want to put the bookmark in. Thank for looking into this.
And I assume the bookmark…
And I assume the bookmark did not get created at a default location somewhere? If you open the browser console (Ctrl+Shift+J) does any error pop up when you are trying to create a bookmark?
Yes. There are a bunch of…
Yes. There are a bunch of these errors listed.....
Error: Error(s) encountered during statement execution: attempt to write a readonly database
Stack trace:
IndexedDB UnknownErr: ActorsParent.cpp:600 (unknown)
undefined (unknown)
Yes, that sounds relevant. I…
Yes, that sounds relevant. I guess you could check the permissions of the files in your profile folder and set them correctly?
I went to security settings…
I went to security settings and unchecked block pop-ups and still nothing when I try to bookmark. Here are the error messages from the log:
Error: Error(s) encountered during statement execution: attempt to write a readonly database Sqlite.jsm:807:25
Key event not available on some keyboard layouts: key=“r” modifiers=“accel,alt” id=“key_quickRestart” browser.xul
Key event not available on GTK2: key=“u” modifiers=“accel shift” id=“torbutton-new-identity-key” browser.xul
Key event not available on some keyboard layouts: key=“i” modifiers=“accel,alt,shift” id=“key_browserToolbox” browser.xul
IndexedDB UnknownErr: ActorsParent.cpp:600 (unknown)
undefined (unknown)
NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY: Component returned failure code: 0x80520013 (NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY) [nsINavBookmarksService.createFolder] PlacesUIUtils.jsm:982
NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY: Component returned failure code: 0x80520013 (NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY) [nsINavBookmarksService.runInBatchMode] PlacesUIUtils.jsm:1037
[12-20 10:54:37] Torbutton WARN: no SOCKS credentials found for current document.[12-20 10:54:39] Torbutton WARN: no SOCKS credentials found for current document.
Any ideas what I should do?
Hi gk. What are the correct…
Hi gk. What are the correct permission settings? Thanks.
Will the next update 8.0.5(?…
Will the next update 8.0.5(?) fix the bookmarking problem with Windows 10? I never had any issues bookmarking pages with Windows 7.
If you mark the folder where…
If you mark the folder where you store your Tor Browser as read-only there is not much what we can do. I recently read:
"On Windows 10, Microsoft has an optional feature that protects the home directory and desktop from modification. When this feature is turned on, Tor Browser doesn't work, because it is installed on the desktop in the home directory." (
Maybe you have turned that on?
When I uncheck Read Only for…
When I uncheck Read Only for the Tor Browser folder on the desktop under properties and click apply, a pop-up asks if I want to apply that to all sub-folders and files. I clicked yes. When I go back to the folder properties, Read Only is again checked. I can live without being able to bookmark pages, but it is aggravating. I wish you all could come up with a fix for this issue. I'm not a computer heavyweight and the stuff in the link above was way over my head. Thanks.
You don't have to install…
You don't have to install Tor Browser in a folder that is marked read-only on your system. The install wizard gives you are suggestion (your desktop), so that you can easily find the installed version (users had trouble with that in the past). If you want to install it somewhere else, just enter a different location. However, I don't know what is marked as read-only on your system. Thus, it is hard to give you a good alternative suggestion.
Also, I was unsuccessful in…
Also, I was unsuccessful in importing my bookmarks from the Tor Browser on my laptop running Windows 7 to my Windows 10 desktop. I got this error message - "Unable to process the backup file." The file was a .json file.
i like tor
i like tor