New Tor packages and Tor Browser Bundles

by erinn | April 30, 2013

There is a new alpha-release of Tor Browser, based on tor Alpha versions of Vidalia Bundles and Expert bundles are also updated.

This release also includes a patch to enable optimistic data (PDF) which should significantly speed up your browsing experience. Please give them a try and let us know how they work for you.

You can download the alpha Tor Browser Bundles here.

Tor Browser Bundle (2.4.12-alpha-1)

  • Update Tor to
  • Update Torbutton to 1.5.2
  • Update libpng to 1.5.15
  • Update NoScript to 2.6.6
  • Update PDF.js to 0.8.1
  • Firefox patch changes:
    • Apply font limits to @font-face local() fonts and disable fallback
      rendering for @font-face. (closes: #8455)
    • Use Optimistic Data SOCKS handshake (improves page load performance).
      (closes: #3875)
    • Honor the Windows theme for inverse text colors (without leaking those
      colors to content). (closes: #7920)
    • Increase pipeline randomization and try harder to batch pipelined
      requests together. (closes: #8470)
    • Fix an image cache isolation domain key misusage. May fix several image
      cache related crash bugs with New Identity, exit, and certain websites.
      (closes: #8628)
  • Torbutton changes:
    • Allow session restore if the user allows disk actvity (closes: #8457)
    • Remove the Display Settings panel and associated locales (closes: #8301)
    • Fix "Transparent Torification" option. (closes: #6566)
    • Fix a hang on New Identity. (closes: #8642)
  • Build changes:
    • Fetch our source deps from an https mirror (closes: #8286)
    • Create watch scripts for syncing mirror sources and monitoring mirror
      integrity (closes: #8338)


Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

April 29, 2013


This post is confusing regarding whether or not the NON-alpha bundles have /also/ been updated.

The header, "New Tor packages and Tor Browser Bundles", could be parsed /either/ way.

If it is only the /alpha/ TBBs that have been updated, then this could have been made clear by simply adding the word 'alpha' before "Tor Browser Bundles".

From the first three paragraphs of the body of the post, I would have thought that it is indeed only the /alpha/ TBBs that have been updated.

But then comes the final sentence, "The non-Alpha bundles are available at the normal URL.", suggesting that the regular, NON-ALPHA TBBs have /also/ been updated.

So I went to the "normal URL" ( ), only to find that the TBB available there, 2.3.25-6, is the same one that had been released on April 4th ( ).

This ambiguity could be completely avoided by removing the current final sentence that I quoted above and replacing it with something like the following, preferably in bold-text: (in addition to changing the header as I suggested above)

'The regular, NON-alpha TBBs have not been updated yet; the latest version is still 2.3.25-6, released on April 4th. (And still available at the normal URL) As long as you are running this version, you do not need to update.'

I must note that this is not the first time that I found such ambiguity in an announcement on this blog that involved one or more alpha packages. In the previous case that I recall, I believe the situation was essentially reversed from this one: Both something alpha as well as the regular, NON-alpha TBBs had been updated, but the latter was not clear from the post, the wording of which was similarly ambiguous and contradictory. I urge you to please try to be more careful in order to avoid such ambiguities and confusion in the future. Thank you for your continued efforts.

May 05, 2013

In reply to phobos


Thanks for the rapid response. You have improved it but simply changing the header by adding one more 'alpha', so that it would read:

"New Tor packages and **Alpha** Tor Browser Bundles"

would remove the remaining ambiguity.

April 30, 2013


Really, why there are so many updates for TorBrowser for Windows - but nothing, not even an official TorBrowser-App for Android. What's so special about Windows?? Nobody will use it in the future. Orweb - the only TorBrowser-App developed by The Guardian Project (also Orbot), which are like 1 active Person/Developer - is the worst App I know on Google Play Store . It's very insecure, buggy, slow and not user friendly. Firefox for Android for non-rooted users is even worse, since you need to modify 10 things manually to use it securely. This doesn't makes sense, I use Android cause I don't have the time to be a PC scientist, I rather don't use it.

April 30, 2013

In reply to phobos


Sure, I fogot that, Linux, Mac. I only say that Android TorBrowser "Orweb" needs some updates too. It's out dated since a long time and has 1 active developer - if official or not - Tor Project isn't behind the project, they do nothing than hosting the source code.

April 30, 2013


"Optimistic data" and "faster" might be good and all OK, I wish Tor Project would update Tor's encryption. Why not move from weak AES to full 448 bit Blowfish, and SHA 3 or ECC...oh yeah:)

May 02, 2013


From my testing, this new alpha is not faster in page load time.
First, it takes a lot more time to connect to tor network (but that could be expected) and second, every connection gets to be slower than the usual. I have been making some tests, and it's not a matter of "whiich nodes I am using" it's a matter of, the new version of torbrowser is actually slower loading pages.
Optimistic data may be a good idea or not, I am not sure, but currently, the way it's implemented here, it's not. Maybe it was a "mistake" in the implementation, and not the concept itself.
Sorry for my poor english, and I hope you can make tor faster =)

May 02, 2013


I have a question... Is it just me, or embedded objects such as flash are allowed by default now? I remember it wasn't a few releases ago... I downloaded the lastest, thinking that I could have messed up my configuration and replaced the old Tor Browser directory. But... is it really allowed by default now? While I understand that allowing javascript might be needed, wouldn't flash be a little too revealing? Or is it just me, really?

May 16, 2013

In reply to arma


"Privacy-invasive" even for NON-Tor use, when revealing IP is not an issue?

Wondering whether the privacy-concerned should stick to ESR even for NON-tor use?

May 05, 2013


from yesterday i have problem in tor connection
I'm from Iran and i'm using "flashproxy-pyobfsproxy-browser-2.4.7-alpha-1"
for other proxy tools is the same after 1 - 2 min each connections interrupts and i have to run again

here is the log from tor :

مى 05 12:39:56.138 [Debug] circuit_handle_first_hop(): Conn open. Delivering first onion skin.
مى 05 12:39:56.138 [Debug] circuit_send_next_onion_skin(): First skin; sending create cell.
مى 05 12:39:56.138 [Debug] circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl(): circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl() found nothing for circ_id 20257, channel ID 29 (0174BF38)
مى 05 12:39:56.138 [Debug] circuit_deliver_create_cell(): Chosen circID 20257.
مى 05 12:39:56.138 [Debug] circuitmux_attach_circuit(): Attaching circuit 20257 on channel 29 to cmux 017C6F90
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] append_cell_to_circuit_queue(): Made a circuit active.
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] append_cell_to_circuit_queue(): Primed a buffer.
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing packed_cell_t 028014C0 to channel 0174BF38 with global ID 29
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] channel_flush_from_first_active_circuit(): Made a circuit inactive.
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Info] circuit_send_next_onion_skin(): First hop: finished sending CREATE_FAST cell to '$6F058CBEF888EB20D1DEB9886909F1E812245D41~arta at'
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 1500 wants to write.
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] flush_chunk_tls(): flushed 512 bytes, 0 ready to flush, 0 remain.
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] connection_handle_write_impl(): After TLS write of 512: 0 read, 586 written
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 1532 wants to write.
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] flush_chunk_tls(): flushed 512 bytes, 0 ready to flush, 0 remain.
مى 05 12:39:56.154 [Debug] connection_handle_write_impl(): After TLS write of 512: 0 read, 586 written
مى 05 12:39:56.216 [Debug] global_write_bucket now 1073741824.
مى 05 12:39:56.216 [Debug] or_conn->write_bucket now 1073741824.
مى 05 12:39:56.216 [Debug] or_conn->write_bucket now 1073741824.
مى 05 12:39:57.134 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:39:58.130 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:39:59.125 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:00.137 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:01.132 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:02.128 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:03.139 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:04.135 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:05.130 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:06.126 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 1088 wants to read.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] read_to_chunk(): Encountered eof on fd 1088
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] circuit_consider_stop_edge_reading(): considering layer_hint->package_window 900
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Info] connection_edge_reached_eof(): conn (fd 1088) reached eof. Closing.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] connection_edge_end(): Sending end on conn (fd 1088).
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] relay_send_command_from_edge(): delivering 3 cell forward.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] circuit_package_relay_cell(): crypting a layer of the relay cell.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] circuit_package_relay_cell(): crypting a layer of the relay cell.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] circuit_package_relay_cell(): crypting a layer of the relay cell.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] append_cell_to_circuit_queue(): Made a circuit active.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] append_cell_to_circuit_queue(): Primed a buffer.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing packed_cell_t 028014C0 to channel 012FD628 with global ID 27
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] channel_flush_from_first_active_circuit(): Made a circuit inactive.
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] conn_close_if_marked(): Cleaning up connection (fd 1088).
مى 05 12:40:06.717 [Debug] connection_remove(): removing socket 1088 (type Socks), n_conns now 22
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_free_(): closing fd 1088.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 1136 wants to write.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] flush_chunk_tls(): flushed 512 bytes, 0 ready to flush, 0 remain.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_handle_write_impl(): After TLS write of 512: 0 read, 586 written
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 1760 wants to read.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_handle_listener_read(): Connection accepted on socket 1088 (child of fd 1760).
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_add_impl(): new conn type Socks, socket 1088, address, n_conns 22.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 1088 wants to read.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] read_to_chunk(): Read 3 bytes. 3 on inbuf.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): entered.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] parse_socks(): socks5: accepted method 0 (no authentication)
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): socks handshake not all here yet.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): entered.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): socks handshake not all here yet.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 1088 wants to write.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 1088 wants to read.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] read_to_chunk(): Read 26 bytes. 26 on inbuf.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): entered.
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] parse_socks(): socks5: checking request
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] parse_socks(): socks5: fqdn address type
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Client asked for [scrubbed]:443
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:06.733 [Info] connection_edge_process_inbuf(): data from edge while in 'waiting for circuit' state. Leaving it on buffer.
مى 05 12:40:06.811 [Debug] global_write_bucket now 1073741824.
مى 05 12:40:06.811 [Debug] or_conn->write_bucket now 1073741824.
مى 05 12:40:06.966 [Debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 1760 wants to read.
مى 05 12:40:06.966 [Debug] connection_handle_listener_read(): Connection accepted on socket 1124 (child of fd 1760).
مى 05 12:40:06.966 [Debug] connection_add_impl(): new conn type Socks, socket 1124, address, n_conns 23.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 1124 wants to read.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] read_to_chunk(): Read 3 bytes. 3 on inbuf.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): entered.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] parse_socks(): socks5: accepted method 0 (no authentication)
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): socks handshake not all here yet.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): entered.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): socks handshake not all here yet.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 1124 wants to write.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 1124 wants to read.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] read_to_chunk(): Read 26 bytes. 26 on inbuf.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): entered.
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] parse_socks(): socks5: checking request
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] parse_socks(): socks5: fqdn address type
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Client asked for [scrubbed]:443
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:06.982 [Info] connection_edge_process_inbuf(): data from edge while in 'waiting for circuit' state. Leaving it on buffer.
مى 05 12:40:07.137 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:07.137 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:07.137 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:07.604 [Info] Monitored process 3400 is still alive.
مى 05 12:40:08.133 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:08.133 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:08.133 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:09.129 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:09.129 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:09.129 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:10.140 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:10.140 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:10.140 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:11.136 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:11.136 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:11.136 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:12.131 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:12.131 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:12.131 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:13.127 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:13.127 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:13.127 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:14.138 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:14.138 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:14.138 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] circuit_expire_old_circuits_clientside(): Closing n_circ_id 22765 (dirty 629 sec ago, purpose 5)
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl(): circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl() returning circuit 01787EA0 for circ_id 22765, channel ID 28 (01876F68)
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] channel_send_destroy(): Sending destroy (circID 22765) on channel 01876F68 (global ID 28)
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] channel_write_cell(): Writing cell_t 0022F980 to channel 01876F68 with global ID 28
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 1532 wants to write.
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] flush_chunk_tls(): flushed 512 bytes, 0 ready to flush, 0 remain.
مى 05 12:40:15.134 [Debug] connection_handle_write_impl(): After TLS write of 512: 0 read, 586 written
مى 05 12:40:15.212 [Debug] global_write_bucket now 1073741824.
مى 05 12:40:15.212 [Debug] or_conn->write_bucket now 1073741824.
مى 05 12:40:16.130 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:16.130 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:16.130 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:17.125 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:17.125 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:17.125 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:18.136 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:18.136 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:18.136 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:19.132 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:19.132 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:19.132 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:20.128 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:20.128 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:20.128 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:21.139 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:21.139 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:21.139 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:22.135 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:22.135 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:22.135 [Debug] circuit_get_open_circ_or_launch(): one on the way!
مى 05 12:40:22.601 [Info] Monitored process 3400 is still alive.

May 06, 2013


I use those new Pluggable Transports....since my ISP blocks everything, wonder how come Pluggable Transports dont get updated as often as these Tor Browser Bundles?
Can i somehow merge the updates from the Browser Bundles to my Pluggable Transports?

May 07, 2013


TOR traffic seems to be completely block in Iran :|
even obfs bridges doesn't work...

May 07, 2013


I looking for your notice about the Iranian situation, recently Iranian government block all of Tor app traffic, actually both of Tor & Tor obsf,
But unfortunately I didn't find any resent blog post about this new restriction.

May 08, 2013


are you aware that tor is not working in iran at all? after past days incidents which caused almost all different ways of bypassing censorship become useless, neither tor flash obsfproxy browser works nor plugabble transport proxy. at the moment all internet connections which last for more than 2 minutes are dropped by Gov so that no vpn based solutions works. the only solution is proxifier app and https proxy servers which doesn't need permanent connection.
i apologise if here is not a good place but below is my log file which may help you get on top of topic:
May 08 13:13:32.238 [Notice] Tor v0.2.4.11-alpha (git-fcd9248387249d68) running on Windows 8 with Libevent 2.0.21-stable and OpenSSL 1.0.0k.
May 08 13:13:32.238 [Notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at
May 08 13:13:32.238 [Notice] This version is not a stable Tor release. Expect more bugs than usual.
May 08 13:13:32.238 [Notice] Read configuration file "C:\Users\Mostafa\Downloads\Programs\Tor Browser\Data\Tor\torrc".
May 08 13:13:32.238 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
May 08 13:13:32.238 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
May 08 13:13:32.345 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file .\Data\Tor\geoip.
May 08 13:13:38.788 [Notice] Bootstrapped 5%: Connecting to directory server.
May 08 13:13:38.789 [Notice] Bootstrapped 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server.
May 08 13:13:59.879 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.886 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.887 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.888 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.889 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.889 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.890 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.891 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.892 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.895 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.897 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:13:59.897 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
May 08 13:18:38.731 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count 1; recommendation warn)
May 08 13:18:38.731 [Warning] 13 connections have failed:
May 08 13:18:38.731 [Warning] 12 connections died in state handshaking (proxy) with SSL state (No SSL object)
May 08 13:18:38.731 [Warning] 1 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv2/v3 read server hello A in HANDSHAKE


Aug 05 14:10:57.984 [Notice] Tor v0.2.4.12-alpha (git-91b8bc26f160f172) running on Windows XP with Libevent 2.0.21-stable and OpenSSL 1.0.0k.
Aug 05 14:10:57.984 [Notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at
Aug 05 14:10:57.984 [Notice] This version is not a stable Tor release. Expect more bugs than usual.
Aug 05 14:10:57.984 [Notice] Read configuration file "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Salary\Tor Browser\Data\Tor\torrc".
Aug 05 14:10:57.984 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
Aug 05 14:10:57.984 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Aug 05 14:10:57.984 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file .\Data\Tor\geoip.
Aug 05 14:11:07.312 [Notice] Bootstrapped 5%: Connecting to directory server.
Aug 05 14:11:07.312 [Notice] Bootstrapped 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server.
Aug 05 14:11:28.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.250 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.250 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.250 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.343 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.343 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.343 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.343 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.343 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.343 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:28.343 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:37.328 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:37.328 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:37.328 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:11:37.328 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.203 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:14.234 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:23.187 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:23.187 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:23.218 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:12:23.218 [Warning] Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("server rejected connection")
Aug 05 14:16:07.078 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count 1; recommendation warn)
Aug 05 14:16:07.078 [Warning] 31 connections have failed:
Aug 05 14:16:07.078 [Warning] 30 connections died in state handshaking (proxy) with SSL state (No SSL object)
Aug 05 14:16:07.078 [Warning] 1 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv2/v3 read server hello A in HANDSHAKE

May 08, 2013


If the Tor Project doesn't want to publish this comment, that's no problem for me.

There is a relay with the name "Blaze" that's been active for about 4 days that has the address "dead.nig**" Because the relay operator is based in Europe I don't think he realizes how offensive that can be to Americans. Also, it creates a negative image of Tor, something not helpful particularly with an African-American as President. I suggest either the address name be changed or the relay be excluded from Tor.

I feel confident that the relay operator, even if he's in Europe, realizes how offensive it is.

That said, we can't exactly police the whole world's DNS and hostnames.

May 10, 2013

In reply to arma


"I feel confident that the relay operator, even if he's in Europe, realizes how offensive it is."

Thank God for that, right?

"That said, we can't exactly police the whole world's DNS and hostnames."

You guys really are assholes.

- If you don't want see it...exclude from your ralay list...
- The fact is it exists even if you feel hurt
- You can not ask for impossible things
- So be calm and breathe, breathe deeply

May 10, 2013


Hi, I am not using the TBB, but using Tor0.2.3.25 with vidalia0.2.21 and firefoxesr and it worked very well until something weird happened today.

firefox startup at as normal, but the check said I wasn't using Tor and gave me this IP TorButton 1.5.2 test also said failed. I went to check this IP elsewhere and it is, so clearly it isn't my IP. The strange thing was my connection to showed at startup and once again on reload, and the other IP check site showed the same IP. is basically correct saying I wasn't using Tor because somehow I was using the same IP, but the IP isn't my real IP so this is really weird. vidalia logs seemed normal as usual. I turned off vidalia and started it again, and now everything looks normal again with saying I was using Tor and gives me a different IP on reload. The other check IP site gives me a different IP also, as it should be. Maybe someone can check this out, thanks!

I would use the TBB, but only the firefox browser doesn't work under GNU/Linux emulation.

Occasionally a new exit relay is not listed in the database right away. You did well to check the IP address you were given. Click "New Identity" in Vidalia to see if your exit changes and try again.

Also, consider upgrading to the latest Tor Browser. That version of Firefox has security patches for better anonymity.

You may want to look deeper at this Tor Devs! I was using a Tails 17.2 and this happened to me the recently. IP was similar to this user. I looked at view network and it showed the request was coming from an exit similar to the supposedly non-tor IP, but none of them were the same. And no error messages. There may be something “novel” happening to Tor...!

No, it's just a simple false negative on the site. The code that runs that site needs an overhaul (actually it needs to be thrown out and rewritten entirely). But it's never made it to the top of the priority list. You could help! Look for tordnsel and torbel and check in our git repositories.

May 11, 2013


I get this bug always on Start up. It worked before without any problems. So i tried to reinstall but after a few days I have the same problem

Mai 11 12:51:01.343 [Error] getinfo_helper_dir(): Bug: control.c:1715: getinfo_helper_dir: Assertion md->body failed; aborting.

Windows is reporting that tor Browser is not working anymore

May 11, 2013


New alpha update ran fine for awhile, but started getting message that 'another vidalia was already running, unable to connect'. I had just started TBB of course, so there was no other vidalia running. Uninstalling alpha and reinstalling worked for 2/3 days, then back to the 'another vidalia' message. Had to uninstall alpha and install stable TBB version. Windows 8 Pro-32 bit.

May 14, 2013


i have a new problem with tor bundle browser, after clicking start tor browser the vidalia control panel starts and within a second it connected with tor network but tor's modified firefox browser did not open. if i mannually starts tbb-firefox it shows unable to connet network,proxy settings changed. Can you please answer the reason?