New Tor Browser Bundles

by erinn | September 5, 2011

The Tor Browser Bundles have been updated again, this time with Firefox 6.0.2, Torbutton 1.4.2, and more privacy-enhancing patches. Windows users: if you had problems running the last bundles, please try this. We believe the problem is fixed, but let us know if it's not.

Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.32-3)

  • Update Firefox to 6.0.2
  • New Firefox patches:
    • Improve cache APIs to enable better isolation (closes: #3666)
    • Provide auth headers to on-modify-request (closes: #3907)
    • Randomize HTTP pipelining as an experimental website traffic fingerprinting defense (closes: #3914)
    • Enable HTTP pipelining in TBB prefs.js (closes: #3913)
  • Update Torbutton to 1.4.2
    • bug 3879: Fix broken framed sites (yopmail, gmane, gmaps, etc)
    • bug 3337: Fetch page to check versions (TBB only)
    • Bug 3754: Fix SafeCache OCSP errors (fix for TBB only)
  • Update NoScript to

Windows fixes

  • Add missing C runtime libraries so WinXP users can use TBB again. Fix found by velope.

Linux fixes

  • Update libpng to 1.4.8 (closes: #3906)
  • Make the TBB launch script work when using a relative symlink (closes: #2525)


Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

September 04, 2011


Umm, I don't see Firefox 6.0.2 available for download from the Mozilla website. Have I missed something?

September 05, 2011


This doesn't work for me at all. Tor cannot connect properly, files are missing. It's the same if downloading from

Files are reported as missing. E.g. firefox.exe

After trying this, it wasn't even possible to reinstall the old version and get it work, because tor.exe cannot connect to the internet, and Vidalia cannot access the file ./Data/Tor/port.conf

So now I have no Tor at all. Just a mess.


I'm really sorry it isn't working for you! Does it work if you extract it into a different directory, rather than on top of your old one? Which OS/version are you using?

This might do the trick. With my Lucid distro, at least, I don't get a usable Torbrowser install by simply decompressing the archive onto the desktop. For flawless use, place the d'loaded Torbrowser tar.gz archive to the /Home/user folder, extract with "tar -xvzf tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-2.2.32-3-dev-LANG.tar.gz " in terminal and run the "Start.." script from the newly extracted folder. With Windows, I suspect placing the downloaded archive as close to C:/ as possible before extraction will be useful.

A Linux note re: the cmd above. On my setup I have to direct tar to /home/user/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-2.2.32-3-dev-LANG.tar.gz, rather than just naming the file as Tor suggests.

below unrelated but useful--
A thought re: overall security: use a separate harddrive with a single encrypted-OS install for any Tor browsing. Though newest versions of Ubuntu (distros 10.10 and 11) are a damnation on all that is good, I've found that a barebones v.10.04 Lucid LTS or Debian Lenny (PRE-Squeeze!!) have very easy to set-up crypto-LUKS/LVM auto-partition function during the OS install. Use the "Alt-Install" CD. You pick one passphrase to get through LUKS and a second to login through GDM or whichever login window. X-screensaver can be set-up to lock-down the machine with a click or auto-lock after x-minutes.

This happened to me to but I have two identical copies of Tor and it only happened in one of them so I just compared the files to see what was different. I ended up just finding the port.conf file and deleting it, then Tor worked for me again and I haven't had the same problem since. That file seems to be one that's auto created when Tor starts and deleted when it closes so I figured maybe it didn't shut down properly once and forgot to delete the file and that messed it up for the next startup but that's just a guess.

September 05, 2011


Not Found

The requested URL /dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe was not found on this server.

September 05, 2011


using this version, trying to download files using DownThemAll results in a lot of files stalling at 79.8KB when they exceed that size. Why is this?

And why does torbrowser 2.x remove polipo? Without polipo or privoxy it is not only more difficult, but impossible in some cases, to route external programs through tor. For example I can no longer use HTTRack with torbrowser 2.x, or many download managers.

I feel 2.x is a step backwards in useability.

We were using polipo to workaround a SOCKS timeout issue that is no longer present in current Firefoxes. Polipo itself has numerous security bugs and is essentially unmaintained and unsafe to ship to users.

I think we should find a solution for the HTTP proxy issue though. Can you tell me more about how you were using it? One temporary solution we can offer to people who want Polipo is a verified built-by-me binary available on the website so users such as yourself can continue to use it. But I think long-term we need something safer that we can give to everyone, included in the bundle. (Maybe usewithtor on all platforms?)

Regarding DownThemAll, a commenter below implies that it might be a Torbutton bug. I have mentioned this comment thread to him.

September 06, 2011

In reply to erinn


Yep, the DownThemAll thing is definitely a Torbutton bug, I disabled TorButton totally and DownThemAll worked.... must be blocking some Javascript that DownThemAll relies on to work.

On the other subject, Polipo might have security bugs and be unmaintained, but the fact is that it is the only way to get external applications to work with Vidalia and Tor.... unless there is some workaround that I don't know of to get things like Opera, Chrome, etc. working with Tor/Vidalia.

September 05, 2011


Tor doesn't work for me at all ?? Yes I other similar problem as above it work if i extract it into a different directory until I reboot and then it doesn't work again My OS its windows 7 ulitmate

September 05, 2011


Your last two releases do not work at all for me. 2.2.32-2 worked sometimes but had alot of retrying circuit errors. This one fails at Bootstrapping. I did a clean extract to a new directory.

Do you have a firewall running? What error messages are you getting? If you do have a firewall running, does everything work if you turn it off? (Turn it back on if you test this, I just want confirmation that it is a firewall problem.)

September 05, 2011

In reply to erinn


Turning off software firewall does not fix the issue. Get's stuck at Bootstrapped 100%: Done.

September 06, 2011

In reply to erinn


This one does allow Tor to connect. I get ALOT of "retrying on a new circuit" errors.

September 05, 2011


Some sort of incompatibility between DownThemAll and TorButton 1.4.2. The former just won't work when you try to use it with TorButton at all. It works when you remove TorButton, but that is dangerous in my opinion.

I also have to agree with Anonymous about the 'impossibility to use external programs with Tor' now that Polipo is removed.

We have this bug filed already for this conflict, but it is not as high priority as others:

We are trying to avoid having to support a whole smattering of addons in the TBB. Despite the fact that it can run other addons, it is not normally recommended.

There are also lots of other flash video downloaders. Did you try any others?

May 15, 2012

In reply to mikeperry


Is DownThemAll!, with default settings, safe to use with Tor Browser Bundle?

>There are also lots of other flash video downloaders.

But are any of them safe to use with TBB?

How can one know?

Also, DTA! is not a flash video downloader but is a download manager for saving files -- primary image files-- from web sites.

September 05, 2011


While previous version still works for me, new version (Tor Bundles 2.2.32) Fails to lunch Firefox.
My OS is windows XP SP3. and the err message is: "Vidalia was unable to start the configured web browser."


Can you let me know if this test bundle works for you?……

I have reverted the automatic port selection configuration changes because they seem to break things for a lot of Windows users who are running firewalls.

@ anon - from - R2D2
Are you saying that on your windows set-up the official version failed and the unofficial version worked fine??

I am running windows XP2 and both the latest releases fail to wor correctly and request wether i have Polipo set up correctly.

I thought the whole idea was to get rid of Polipo?


September 08, 2011

In reply to erinn


Hi erinn,

you test bundle work for me if I go to Vidalia >tick firewall setting to only allow ports 80,443 > exit and then restart .

Hope that help in some way for you

Running windows xp2 + Comodo firewall


NB. Sandboxie seems to have a problem reports an error of some kind, I just hide the error for now.
Sorry if my english not so good

September 06, 2011


I tried "tor-browser-2.2.32-UNOFFICIAL-1_en-US.exe," and I loaded the folder into C:\, and not on top of a previous one. Nothing has really changed since I had a problem with the previous OFFICIAL one. This one (OFFICIAL-1) produced the following results when I double-clicked on Start Tor Browser:

"Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

I got the same message when I double-clicked on tbb-firefox. I even disabled my software firewall, and the results were the same. At least when I tried to use the previous editions I was able to get as far as Vidalia coming up. This time it's zilch, zip, nada!

I'll check back later.



September 06, 2011

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


Can you try putting it somewhere else such as your Desktop? That sounds like a Windows permissions problem, not a TBB-specific bug.

September 18, 2011

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


I'm having this problem too. Also when it firsts gives me the error it tells me that I need to open it with something and it applies the 7zip icon to the executable.

September 06, 2011


I'm currently using portable Firefox 3.6.19 from an earlier Tor bundle. Will updating the browser to the latest 3.6.* version through its built-in update function affect the working of Tor?

September 06, 2011


The prefs.js in the Linux bundle specifies a max of 10 pipelined connections, while the code clamps the number to no more than 8 (see NS_HTTP_MAX_PIPELINED_REQUESTS in nsHttps.h).

How many simultaneous pipelined connects can Tor support through its SOCKS interface?

Yes, the about:config value of 10 is a result of a miscommunication between myself and Erinn.

For others playing along at home, the #define cited only has effect in terms of clamping the value of what is read from network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Our randomized pipelining patch will still create pipelines of between 4..12 requests long, regardless of it the about:config setting is 8 or 10:…

However, it does use the clamped value to determine the range of the pipeline size.

Also, what Tor does as a SOCKS proxy should be totally independent of the HTTP pipelining. Firefox should use Tor's SOCKS port to create a connection to port 80 or 443 at some site. After that, SOCKS gets out of the way and HTTP or HTTPS will start, at which point the pipelining behavior is entirely up to Firefox and the server. I believe there is also no hardcoded limit on the number of SOCKS connections Tor will accept.

September 07, 2011


I moved the Tor Browser folder to the desktop, and this is what happened after I double-clicked Start Tor Browser (2.2.32-3):
Connection Error

Vidalia was unable to connect to Tor. (Connection refused by peer.)

OK Retry Help
I clicked on OK, and almost immediately another message said:
Unexpected Error

Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly.
Please check the message log for recent warning or error messages.

OK Show log Help
I clicked on "Show log," and I got the following:
Sep 07 02:55:00.234 [Notice] Tor v0.2.2.32 (git-877e17749725ab88). This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Windows XP Service Pack 3 [workstation])
Sep 07 02:55:00.234 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 2.0.14-stable using method win32. Good.
Sep 07 02:55:00.234 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
Sep 07 02:55:00.343 [Notice] Socks listener listening on port 1488.
Sep 07 02:55:00.343 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Sep 07 02:55:00.343 [Notice] Control listener listening on port 1489.
Sep 07 02:55:00.343 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file .\Data\Tor\geoip.
Sep 07 02:55:04.609 [Notice] OpenSSL OpenSSL 1.0.0d 8 Feb 2011 looks like version 0.9.8m or later; I will try SSL_OP to enable renegotiation
Sep 07 02:55:07.671 [Notice] We now have enough directory information to build circuits.
Sep 07 02:55:07.671 [Notice] Bootstrapped 80%: Connecting to the Tor network.
Sep 07 02:55:08.875 [Notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop.
Sep 07 02:55:09.750 [Notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor circuit.
Sep 07 02:55:11.718 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like client functionality is working.
Sep 07 02:55:11.718 [Notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.
When I would see "... 100% done." in either Windows or Linux version of TTB, I used to be already connected, and ready to surf the Net. When I now "View the Network," there is nothing at all.

I'll check back with you later.


September 07, 2011


Thanks for all your hard work, and updating to the latest Firefox-Version.

ONE BIG PLEA though!!

If i want to stay anonymous, and download the Bundle via TOR, to verify it, i need GPG, where i have to reveal myself.
Also, the steps are WAY to complicated for the average user. Verifying 834 fingerprints for every single developer?! ...

Provide additional MD5 and SHA256 sums on the download page.

There are also Firefox-Plugins that can take advantage of them (check-it is open source, for example).

All the best wishes, and thanks for everything,

September 07, 2011


Recently,I have received a new version package of Tor Browser via E-mail ( ,I want to know if it is true and can I trust it?

Firefox (Aurora) 6.0.1
TorButton 1.4.2

Hi dears
I live in Iran and it's very important to me to know if The Tor (tor-browser-2.2.32-2_en-US ) I'm using (I got it from your e-mail), is not Hacked one.
please help me
Thanks a lot


September 07, 2011


Software doesn´t work.

Windows 7 (x64), no antivirus/firewall.

sep 08 08:30:29.673 [Notice] Tor v0.2.2.32 (git-877e17749725ab88). This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Windows 7 [workstation])
sep 08 08:30:29.673 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evsig_init: socketpair: Permission denied [WSAEACCES ]
sep 08 08:30:29.673 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evthread_make_base_notifiable: socketpair: Permission denied [WSAEACCES ]
sep 08 08:30:29.673 [Error] Error from libevent: event.c:1413: Assertion base failed in event_base_get_method
sep 08 08:31:35.834 [Notice] Tor v0.2.2.32 (git-877e17749725ab88). This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Windows 7 [workstation])
sep 08 08:31:35.834 [Warning] ControlPort is open, but no authentication method has been configured. This means that any program on your computer can reconfigure your Tor. That's bad! You should upgrade your Tor controller as soon as possible.
sep 08 08:31:35.834 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evsig_init: socketpair: Permission denied [WSAEACCES ]
sep 08 08:31:35.834 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evthread_make_base_notifiable: socketpair: Permission denied [WSAEACCES ]
sep 08 08:31:35.834 [Error] Error from libevent: event.c:1413: Assertion base failed in event_base_get_method

September 08, 2011


I have a problem running the new version on Linux (Up to date Debian Sid), the bundles with the older firefox work fine.

Vidalia Starts.. Bootstraping finishes and Vidalia goes green

Then a few seconds later Vidalia shuts down

Starting from the command line with the debug option gives this.

myname@mycomputer:/media/USBdriveName/tor-browser_en-US$ ./start-tor-browser --debug

Debug enabled.

Starting Vidalia now

Launching Vidalia from: /media/USBdriveName/tor-browser_en-US

Vidalia exited with the following return code: 0

Launching Tor Browser Bundle for Linux in /media/USBdriveName/tor-browser_en-US

Vidalia exited cleanly.

September 08, 2011


I believe you need to replace Polipo with something with the same function in TorBrowser.
I know a lot of users , using torbrowser with other Internet browsers like Chrome or opera. However it is possible yet to use Vidalia Bundle instead, it will be useful to add something to Torbrowser bundle with the same function as Polipo.

September 08, 2011


On September 8th, 2011 Anonymous said:

I believe you need to replace Polipo with something with the same function in TorBrowser.

I do not understand, I thought the idea was that the latest new release was just meant to work out of the box,so too speak, and they had dropped Polipo but biult its function into Aurora/Firefox?

Why is it that when i try to connect via Tor it just comes back with "Proxy Refusing Connections"
when i go deeper and try to test my Proxy Setup it comes back with
some type of problem with Polipo?

What is going on ??

I really want to get this working as i am concerned about the security of the older versions as stated on this site itself.

Can someone please point me to a step by step setup procedure for the latest bundle?

Running Windows xp2 , have no problems with all versions that have Polipo


It sounds like you're trying to use an old profile from a version of the bundle that did include Polipo. Try getting a clean copy of the new bundle and then when you copy your profile over into the clean copy, don't copy the old pref.js file. You'll have to make your preferences changes again, but this way you won't have the old Polipo settings in the Firefox options.

September 08, 2011


On September 7th, 2011 Anonymous said:
Thanks for all your hard work, and updating to the latest Firefox-Version.
ONE BIG PLEA though!!
Provide additional MD5 and SHA256 sums on the download page.

I second this motion , could you please provide the MD5 and SHA256
data will make it soooo much easier for us to be assured we are dowloading a safe un-tampered scource of the data


September 09, 2011


I also did not work either version 2.2.32-2, neither version 2.2.32-3. (On an operating system XP)
All previous versions worked fine 01.03.21, 24, 27.
Now I use the old 1.3.28 and it works without problems./Thank You!

September 09, 2011


WIN XP. Firefox 6 is extremely slowly. It take minutes to load some tabs. Unable to work with version 2.2.32-3. Reinstalled the older version 1.3.28.

September 09, 2011


After I took your advice Erinn, and "I moved the Tor Browser folder to the desktop, and this is what happened after I double-clicked Start Tor Browser (2.2.32-3):"
======================== SEE ABOVE FOR THE REST,

I decided to try one of the older TBBs I hadn't erased, and this morning I was able to get online with "tor-browser-2.2.31-1-alpha_en-US."

Quite naturall, I still cannot get online with any TBB after that. Could that edition give you a clue to the real problem, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Also, is ther a big problem with using "tor-browser-2.2.31-1-alpha_en-US" until you get to the bottom of why "Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.32-3)" is causing problems for those who commented above including me?


September 09, 2011


Hi, i recently started using the GNU/Linux Tor Browser Bundle. Unfortunately, since Firefox 6 and subsequent updates there's a REALLY IRRITATING FREEDOM DESTROYING BUG:

Preferences> Advanced> Update

I switch to "Ask me what i want to do" and hit "Close". All seems fine but when i restart the browser it's like i hadn't done anything!

September 10, 2011


always "stuck at 85%........." , what happened?

九月 10 23:22:01.937 [Notice] Tor v0.2.2.32 (git-877e17749725ab88). This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Windows XP Service Pack 3 [workstation])
九月 10 23:22:01.937 [Warning] You have asked to exclude certain relays from all positions in your circuits. Expect hidden services and other Tor features to be broken in unpredictable ways.
九月 10 23:22:02.046 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 2.0.13-stable using method win32. Good.
九月 10 23:22:02.046 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
九月 10 23:22:02.046 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
九月 10 23:22:02.265 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file C:\Documents and Settings\eric\Application Data\tor\geoip.
九月 10 23:22:05.718 [Notice] OpenSSL OpenSSL 1.0.0d 8 Feb 2011 looks like version 0.9.8m or later; I will try SSL_OP to enable renegotiation
九月 10 23:22:05.718 [Notice] We now have enough directory information to build circuits.
九月 10 23:22:05.718 [Notice] Bootstrapped 80%: Connecting to the Tor network.
九月 10 23:22:05.718 [Notice] New control connection opened.
九月 10 23:22:06.750 [Notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop.
九月 10 23:23:59.140 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 10; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:24:31.125 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 11; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:24:52.046 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 12; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:25:13.156 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 13; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:25:15.281 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 14; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:25:37.203 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 15; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:25:59.031 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 16; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:25:59.859 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 17; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:26:21.171 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 18; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:26:42.187 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 19; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:27:04.218 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 20; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:27:05.906 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 21; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:27:27.046 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 22; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:27:48.171 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 23; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:28:10.093 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 24; recommendation warn)
九月 10 23:28:31.125 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Connection timed out [WSAETIMEDOUT ]; TIMEOUT; count 25; recommendation warn)

September 10, 2011


why my vidalia always shows "establishing a tor circuit failed ( connection timeout)", even I tried many bridges.

September 10, 2011


The latest torbutton is not included in the vadalia package. Does vadalia need to be updated?

September 11, 2011


this is just confusing me even more, i have Firefox browser today when i tried to start up tor i get this "temporary service outage prevents us from determining if your source IP address is a Tor node." im not even sure if i did something wrong or what, im really new as noob can get so i went to try to re-download and install now it say's Tor- Aurora for my browser also now i have new buttons up in the browser and no Tor enabled, where it used to be bottom right corner of the web page, can someone please tell me if this is okay or not or if i did something wrong and need to rectify it thanks so much.

September 21, 2011


Hello. Please tell how to use download manager with tor now? With old torbrowser (1.3.28)+polipo i used HTTP proxy in download manager configuration.

I'm also having this similar problem with Internet Download Manager.

I used to be able to resume downloads and such, now i get connection refused on 8118 after updating my browser bundle.

September 24, 2011


Tor Browser Bundles works perfectly!
I have just one question.
Does my service provider can see that down (torrents) and pages that I opened?

Am I protected from that side?
Thank you

October 10, 2011


Just tried Expert Bundle tor- on Win2k (+all cum updates).

This installs the new tor.exe on existing setup

When fired up by vidalia (0.2.10), Qt (4.6.2) it gives error and then fails:

Oct 10 11:40:34.109 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evsig_init: socketpair: Cannot assign requested address [WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL ]
Oct 10 11:40:34.109 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evthread_make_base_notifiable: socketpair: Cannot assign requested address [WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL ]
Oct 10 11:40:34.109 [Error] Error from libevent: event.c:1413: Assertion base failed in event_base_get_method

Obviously there a problem.. I was using tor ( which still works when swapped back.

October 15, 2011


I am Anonymous from Syria I used Tor for a couple of days it was everything alright but today I have this message Sorry. You are not using Tor.

October 28, 2011


In the new Aurora version of tor downloads ARE IMPOSSIBLE without DISABLING TOR BUTTON.
it seems to be a great risk there.
Is there a way to encourage a TOR BUTTON update or patch to fix this error?

November 16, 2011


I'm also having this similar problem with Internet Download Manager.

I used to be able to resume downloads and such, now i get connection refused on and port-8118 after updating my browser bundle.

What proxies to give in other applications like download managers and chrome for the latest tor bundle?

December 14, 2011


i apologize if this is not the best place to add this question. i am using the latest puppy linux version 5.2.8. The latest available pet package (apps specifically configured for puppy linux) for the tor browser used tor version 2.2.32-4. This did not worked and had many of the problems mentioned here, bootstrapped 100%, but tor still did not worked. I downgraded to the next latest version, 1.1.13, and I was able to use tor, double checking with IP addresses, and going to the "are you using tor" site.

My question is what am I giving up using version 1.1.13 vs. the 2.2.32-4? I don't have enough linux skills to compile and make work the latest tor version. Thanks so much.

January 26, 2012


Tor won't start, and I keep getting this error in the message log:

[Warning] Warning from libevent: evsig_init: socketpair: Connection refused [WSAECONNREFUSED ]

Vidalia tells me the connection was "actively refused by peer". How do I fix this?

February 01, 2012


Just downloaded Tor Browser Bundle and can't connect. Here is the log file.

feb 01 22:24:42.786 [Notice] Tor v0.2.2.35 (git-b04388f9e7546a9f). This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 [workstation])
feb 01 22:24:42.787 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evsig_init: socketpair: Permission denied [WSAEACCES ]
feb 01 22:24:42.787 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 2.0.16-stable using method win32. Good.
feb 01 22:24:42.787 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
feb 01 22:24:42.787 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
feb 01 22:24:42.787 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file .\Data\Tor\geoip.
feb 01 22:24:47.063 [Notice] OpenSSL OpenSSL 1.0.0f 4 Jan 2012 looks like version 0.9.8m or later; I will try SSL_OP to enable renegotiation
feb 01 22:24:47.175 [Notice] Bootstrapped 5%: Connecting to directory server.
feb 01 22:24:47.175 [Notice] I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We have no network-status consensus.

April 27, 2012


math question i was only kidding......... but the rest i was not .........some sites as you all know time out...... but i have no idea

April 29, 2012


TBB 2.2.35-8 works perfect in Windows XP SP3, but 2.2.35-9 does not, despite what I try. Not too worried about it for the moment.... I'll wait for a fix in the next update.