Updated Tor Cloud images with fix for Tor upgrades
The Tor Cloud images for all the seven regions have been updated to include the latest cloud image for stable Ubuntu release 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx). These new images are available on the Tor Cloud website.
The new images include a fix to allow Tor to upgrade automatically without requiring user intervention (#6511).
If you are already running a Tor Cloud bridge, you will need to either manually update your image, or set up a new Tor Cloud bridge and terminate the old one. If you decide not to take action, your image will fail to upgrade Tor correctly and will not be running as a bridge.
To manually update your image, do the following:
0. Log on with SSH
1. Open /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
2. Add the line: Dpkg::Options { --force-confold; }
3. Save and exit
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
Is there a way to access the
Is there a way to access the standard configuration of one of those systems without the need to install one?
Some parts (i.e. the unattended upgrades configuration) can come handy for other tor node administrators too.
I wrote a HOWTO covering
I wrote a HOWTO covering this after seeing Ubuntu offering this functionality at the end of the install for current versions. I knew there had to be a way to do it in Debian, it's just not as well documented. The package is called unattended-upgrades
The git repository is on
The git repository is on https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor-cloud.git. You can find the configuration in ec2-prep.sh.
puts que parada dificil de
puts que parada dificil de acessar
can one run hidden services
can one run hidden services from amazon cloud?
Yes, you can do that.
Yes, you can do that.
can anyone of you explain to
can anyone of you explain to me how to make a http proxy connection. I need it badly to do a legal pentesting in my home town. but unthe law in my place make it so damn hard. I using windows platform in which that's why I needed an advice on how to add polipo. I had make vidalia run polipo but the message is cannot attach the polipo with vidalia.
Can anyone of you explain on how to make the polipo and the config.txt run automatically in TBB for windows. Thank you very much for your advice.
Hello Thank you for the
Thank you for the update. Would you consider making cloud images available for download?
I want to encourage my friends to run Tor relays, but they don't have time for configuring a distro from scratch with Tor.
It would be cool if they could just download a preconfigured Tor relay (exit or nonexit as a virtual appliance.
You don't have to configure
You don't have to configure anything with the Tor Cloud images. We also offer bridge, relay, and exit relay bundles for Windows.
Thank you, where can I
Thank you, where can I download the images?
My friend wants to run the image at home at not from Amazon.
I didn't hear earlier just
I didn't hear earlier just about social bookmarking. But, it seems to be really efficient. There can be a good reason to use the bookmarking services that will help with traffic optimization!
Tried to fund an amazon tor
Tried to fund an amazon tor relay but page is not working i.e
"Please click on one of the regions below"
but there is nothing to select below